Saturday, March 29, 2008

Most Uneventful Saturday...

Not much to report today. Thank Gan for small favors...

Woke up around 8:30 - Millie disovered I was awake around 8:45 - was forced to get up at 8:46. Unlike Toby and Me, when Millie wakes up - she is wired. It's like she has already drank 2 pots of coffee and is ready to go.

Was at the tanning salon by 9:30. Carlton thinks I'm nuts for baking myself. I tried to explain that even a turkey looks better after being cooked. He didn't buy it

Back home and laundry started, dishes washed, etc. no later than 10:30. A friend taught me how to do situps on my exercise ball, so todays pushups are complete. Shopping for the weekend is also complete. Discovered no baseball game on until 4pm - turned on Toby, Jason and the Beatles - picked up SK and went on down to Duma Key.

Side note: I've fired up the old laptop a couple times today. Delighted to find emails from my favorite cousin in AL. He asked me a question, thought I would see the reaction here: Quick S.King trivia: what "nom de plume" has he also written under? - I know my reply - what's yours?

Anyway we finally have a baseball game on the tube. I've left Duma Key for a little work on the quilt Nannie and I are working on. Waiting for Nicole to arrive. I've lured her to my house with the promise of Momma's Goulash!

Hopefully I'll get to see Jason in person tonight. Depends on the guilt trip laid on me by my very Green child.

Long days and pleasant nights

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