Saturday, March 08, 2008

Last Day Before Daylight Savings

Thank Gan this is our last day in the dark!

This morning I woke to the normal "I'm going to starve to death if you don't feed me NOW" attack by Millie. Put on the oatmeal water to boil, fed the pups, put on a pot of coffee.

Life was starting out to be the average Saturday. Until the Jehovah's Witnesses tried to save me. That got me to moving. You see I told them that I was in the process of getting ready for work. So now I feel the obligation to at least do something, just in case they really are the new chosen people. Or they have surveillance of my house going and plan to come back and ask why I didn't tell the exact truth. According to CNN this morning water-boarding is still legal and W. is going to make sure it stays legal. You never know what lengths the JW's will go to save an Episcopalian from herself.

So for all of you that really want to know. Yes, Steve that is you. I have now showered, drank a couple cups of coffee and my day has begun. It will be too exciting - post office visit, tanning, brush removal and if I have time, I might even wash some laundry!

How many of you are jealous of my life?

long days and pleasant nights...

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