Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Graduation Slide Show

For the complete slide show just look to your left!

Memorial Weekend

I should begin this with - Have you hugged a veteran this week?

Sometimes you don't really realize how much an unscheduled day off is needed. Saturday Millie woke me at 7:30am. I fed them and let them out and went back to bed. When I woke up, on my own, around 10:30 - they were still outside and Oprah was collapsed at the back door to let me know that someone had kidnapped her sister and brother.

Aunt Becky called to say she was on her way to Palestine and would love to have company. So I jumped in the shower and was almost ready when she pulled into the driveway. We had a wonderful day. Spent the day just talking, eating and shopping. I tried to convince her that she needed this beautiful yard furniture we found at Sam's. She finally told me I could call my uncle and let him know. Needless to say, the discussion was dropped. lol

Sunday I had the pleasure of being Hayden's taxi. I picked up Renie around 10am and then we went to Hayden's. Once again off to the cemetery - I didn't have my flowers Saturday. The best part about the Palestine Cemetery is that we know everyone that visits - so we can let the boys run wild.

Nicole came a little later. The boys were thrilled to see her. She let Hayden wear her graduation cap around. She didn't get to sit much. Every time she sat down Zeke would say - You Can't Catch Me... then she would have to chase him around the house.

Yesterday, I played chase the cat back inside most of the day. I charcoaled hotdogs and chicken in the afternoon. Toby was a wonderful guard dog. He sat right next to the grill making sure it didn't get stolen.

That's about it for now. Promise to have pics up sometime today or at least by tomorrow.

Long days and pleasant nights...

Monday, May 04, 2009

not very interesting...

What a week and weekend.

The whole time Nicole and I lived in Pryor we knew most of the town was in a 100 year flood plain. Who would think that the 100th year would happen our lifetime?

Terena has to replace everything. She says that at one point the water was 4ft deep in her shop. She is out looking for replacement curling irons, hair brushes and everything else today. I'm getting her phone numbers of professionals to call for duct work. Keep her in your thoughts - none of this was insured. I offered to have bake sales - she doesn't think my cookies will bring in $40k.

On the happier side. Jeff printed Nicole's invitations. Woo Hoo! and she and I spent Saturday wedding dress and graduation dress shopping. I did get pics of the wedding dress try-on session. Promised I wouldn't place them on here because Ryan might accidently see it.

I can tell you that she was the most stunning bride-to-be in the place. It's not because she is my daughter either, Jeff's new wife agrees that Nicole was stunning! Ok, maybe she didn't say those exact words -but I'm sure she thought it. The sales lady thought it too, so that means Nicole was the most stunning. (remember this is tammieland...)

Millie did not have a seizure this weekend! So I'm assuming that means the high mineral content in the Kitty Litter isn't good for her. Of course Oprah thinks it's a very fun game to jump over the litter box and then dash into it. Before doing her business she always looks out to see if anyone followed her.

Millie can't sleep without a toy. She always gets her favorite de-stuffed kitty and brings to bed. Last night she found a spiderman sippie cup and brought it to bed. I mention this because, Zentner won't go to bed without his sippie cup. Mom and I had a huge laugh over that.

Long days and pleasant nights...