Sunday, April 27, 2008

Calf Fry 2008

With a bit of nervous anticipation I traveled to Calf Fry 2008 Friday night.

I wasn't nervous about the company I would be with, only nervous because the last two outings with Jo had been a bit on the odd side. So, the hopes were that the Calf Fry would break that trend. And it did.

The day was a busy one. We had a very successful phone bank Thursday and continued it on Friday with equal success. It was a lot of work but paid off for the station. I was on the road to Stillwater by 7pm and on my first beer and balls by 8:30ish.

The music was Awesome - of course and the company was even better. I don't remember a lot of Friday. Except the part where some random man in the audience volunteered his shoulders so I could see Cody better. I kindly thanked him and had a bird's eye view of the concert for awhile. You won't see pictures. I made Jo promise to delete them... Hopefully she did.

Saturday was Boland day. Or as I was told, we were only there because of me... Gotta love my friends. They forced themselves to partake in a second day of beer and balls just for me.
By the time No Justice took the stage I had somehow gotten seperated from Jo and Carolyn. But saw a good show of Brady's uhm well, saw a good show! No Justice has two of the best looking boys in the Red Dirt circuit. Then not long before Boland took the stage I found myself surrounded by frat boys. One of whom offered his shoulders after Boland began singing. So, again, I had a bird's eye view of the stage.

All I can say about the weekend is - Good Times - Good Friends - Memories for a Lifetime. Especially of Carolyn falling off the fake bull after only 4 seconds.
We all received a rose from a man that shelled out what we thought had to have been a LOT of money just to give roses to the prettiest girls he could see. (That's our story anyway)
Saturday was also pretty darn cold. Fortunately for me, the Stragglers happened to be selling hoodies. That was good because I was wearing my stragglers tank and was beginning to freeze even before the sun went down.
Anywho, our next big party is Fever. Willie will be there. And this year they have a Texas Country night - Boland, Pat and Kevin will be there. Pretty much that day will have something for all three of us!
Long days and pleasant nights.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

People in High Places...

I was pondering what to blog about today. In fact I've started several times and the subject just didn't seem interesting to me. So, if I'm not interested I'm absolutely positive you won't be either.

Then Jo told me the line-up for Willie's picnic. After I lifted myself up off the floor, I googled Willie's Picnic - just to make sure she isn't dreaming. What did I find when I googled Willie's Picnic? Well you should try it.

But I'll save you some time. The first and second options are a CMT article about the picnic. Option #3 (technically #2) is:

jojodreamer's saloon
WILLIE'S PICNIC. RUMOR has it that the 4th of July picnic will be in San Antonio this year! I gotta say - I love me some San Antonio. I love me some Willie! - 65k - Cached - Similar pages

HOLY WOW. Jo has made the big time. I mean we knew the place was famous when it was printed in that newspaper in California. But WOW!

Jo is #2 out of 235,000 entries to view. That's clout!

Long days and pleasant nights.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

GoodBye Dear Friend...

I'm relatively new to the whole Red Dirt / Texas Music scene.
My introduction was Jason Boland and Cross Canadian Ragweed. (I came around very slowly on the CCRW bandwagon)
But from the beginning amongst the Boland, Green, Fowler, Morrow, et all music - I heard songs from Sai Childers.
I can't name one. Hell, I can only name one PFG song. Baby Doll... Sorry Jo. But I know his music nonetheless. He's already being mourned in the world that I love. And will be missed very much. I'm sure we will hear much of his music this weekend as his people gather in Stillwater.
So long Bob - I'm sure you've already met up with Waylon and Johnny and are singing away.
long days and pleasant nights

Monday, April 21, 2008

Sleeping with the Lights On...

Only the true Constant Reader can appreciate sleeping with the lights on.

The last time I remember actually being afraid of the dark was the night Gina gave birth to Justin. We were only 16 or 17. I brought a book to the hospital to read during the wait. It happened to be the latest paperback release of my then and now favorite writer. The name of the book was Salem's Lot. I slept with the lights on for weeks. I also remember making someone accompany me to my car, because it was dark. I closed the windows and never opened the door to anyone after dark.

I finished Duma Key at 1:16am. I know because I looked at the clock when I clicked on the lamp. I had read with the overhead light on. It seemed silly to leave it on the whole night. The funny thing is I began in the living room. Millie demanded we go to bed sometime around midnight. My normal routine is to turn out all the lights and hop in bed. Last night I started to do just that. Then just couldn't make my hand turn the lamp off until I had the bedroom light on. All I can say to that is WOW. Then I kept waking up and seeing dead people with moss on them standing in my bedroom. I think I actually woke myself up talking to one of them.

The fact that I couldn't put the book down didn't surprise me. That's par for the course with SK. There have been books that I trudged thru. My thoughts are he actually let Tabitha ghost write on a couple. Anywho, the vast majority of his work are nail-biters. Duma Key didn't let me down.

Will it make my top 5 list? Maybe si, maybe no. He did dis one of my favorite singers. I couldn't believe he used "Toby Keith" and "shitty country music" in the same sentence. But then, he is the King and this is fiction...

Long days and pleasant nights.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

correction "...A White Man Who Can Shoot..."

Before you jump to conclusions, let me explain my newest favorite catch phrase.

Those of you that have spent any amount of time with me know that I'm as passionate about my politics as I am baseball and my family. In fact in my family - the Dellinger side anyway - you can't seperate yourself from your politics. Well unless you seperate yourself from the family. And if you do that - you are automatically deemed a damn Republican and have likely been kidnapped by a cult. At least that's what is told about you at the dinner table.

I've dated my share of Republicans. Kissed a few. Married one. Let me say that all but one of the Republicans mentioned in the previous sentence turned out to be HUGE mistakes.

Anywho. Jo and I have been known to show up at rather unexpected venu's. Especially of late. Jo is one of my true kindred spirits. However, she is as Republican as I am Democrat. And oddly we still love each other's company. We don't shy away from talking politics either. I've convinced her that she has made a political mistake or two, and she has convinced me of the same.

So when she called and said Cokie Roberts is coming to Tulsa. I didn't even let her finish before asking when and assuming we were going. It was the absolute best lecture I think I've attended. By far beat out John Stossel.

Cokie was funny and very insightful. Of course we didn't learn anything new. I came out just as democratic minded as when entering. Jo is more convinced of McCain's ability to win in November.

The thing that did catch me a bit off guard is that I am so with the National Opinion in my opinion of my party. When the floor was opened to questions, one of the questions was her opinion of vice presidential candidates. She gave a long answer that was boring to me about who and why McCain should choose this or that one. Then when she turned to the Dems - she stated very matter-of-fact that we have only had a white male in the White House. We will not have a white male on the head of the ticket and must counter that with "A White Man With A Gun."

While the crowd - 99% Republican, I'm sure - rolled with laughter. Jo slapped me on the leg - laughing her ass off - I thought to myself (at least I still think to myself) Holy F@*# - I am right. I haven't been on the inside of the party in a very long time, and yet, I'm still right (or should I say left). Mayhap I should rethink my career. If only my favorite Dem from OK would jump back into the game.

On another note about the night. Jo and I found ourselves well a bit uhm uncomfortable. You see we were the youngest by about 40 years. It was truly standing room only. That's good. and when Sam arrived and set up the camera to grab a VO of the event - I convinced him to point the camera every direction but ours. It's nice being the assistant to the Boss. =) And these ladies came prepared for a long wait. Knitting and all!

Long days and pleasant nights.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Life in general...

Your moodiness will dissipate if you are allowed your share of the spotlight. The tales you have to tell are rather out of place among your current audience. Seek out people who understand your manner of thinking.

It's about time my horoscope have some understanding. I'm really not moody. (No comments from the rafters...) But I haven't been in the spotlight for at least a week. That isn't good. My share of the spotlight is the Complete Spotlight!

I noticed it has been awhile since I've blogged. So here's a brief update:

Life has been extremely busy. Frank's Weather Call is a huge hit. So huge, we have a backlog of people wanting to sign up. That's a good problem to have. The goal is to be completely caught up by this evening. I even managed to get some work time in around my weekend activities.

The Driller's game was fun. Now I know not to move to Boston. I would hate to have to watch more than one game a year wearing a parka! I love Kenna, baseball isn't really her cup of tea, but she was there just for the funtime with the girls!

Nanna came to visit Millie Saturday afternoon. I thought she was visiting me, turns out, I was wrong. Millie and Nanna tried to nap, but there were just too many things for an A.D.D. puppy to get distracted with. So we brought out the leashes, roped the alligator and the 4 of us were off on a trek up Mt. Crumpit. Nanna turned into the Dog Whisperer half way thru the journey. Millie isn't sure how she feels about that... Then dinner at the Roadhouse and a concert at Dirty's topped off the night.

I would talk about the concert, (it was Bleau Edmondson) but we arrived at Dirty's around 7:30. He didn't take the stage until 11:30ish. Then the mic didn't work. I'm sure he rocked, but I couldn't hear it. The most entertaining portion of the Dirty's experience was the 80 yr old man in the rhinestone studded belt and starched Wranglers - dancing and thinking he was every woman's dream.

Ok, I'm off to Weather Call land. Many lives to save...

Long days and pleasant nights.

Thursday, April 10, 2008


I know you have heard my mantra - "I have a Landlord and Batteries...Who needs a Man?" Well this morning I was reminded how wonderful it is to have a Landlord.

My plumbing has been a bit of a problem for a couple of weeks. I thought it was the overload of laundry when Nicole came home. Turns out, it wasn't Nicole's fault. Anywho, I called the Landlord at 9:30 this morning - RotoRooter was at my house at 10:30. WOW!

Then as we chatted. I told him about Millie's introduction to wasps. He is going to do some carpentry work on the house and get rid of the critters nesting in the attic. I also told him I would like to plant a small garden on the back side of the property. Turns out he is thrilled about that and is going to get the rest of the brush cleared out.

Before noon, my toilet was flushing again and the washing machine didn't back up into the bathtub! The small things truly are what make the world a happy place.

Now let's just hope the rain and scary weather stays away long enough for me to catch up on my sleep.

Long days and pleasant nights.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

I Have A Date!

This is my new girlfriend. Her name is Diana.

Those of you that watch News Channel 8 - will recognize her. Yes, my new girlfriend is Diana Zoga. The really cute nightside reporter. She is actually one of my two office daughters.

Earlier this week we were whining to each other that we don't have anyone to watch Driller's games with. Then realized that we both absolutely love baseball. Diana's boyfriend is Rob and he works nights and can't go to games with her. So I'm going to be her standing Friday night date when the Driller's are at home! Let's all do the Happy Dance.

Rob has totally agreed to this. I think guys think it's cool when the girlfriend openly admits to dating another woman. In fact tonight when Diana and I were talking about Friday night, is when Rob learned about our arrangement. I asked him if he would get jealous. He told me he wouldn't be jealous of me, even though I'm really HOT. He knows this is all about Baseball and Beer! Anyway. This is going to be fun. I was all prepared to go to games alone another season.

Sorry, nothing more to say. My life this week has been all about WEATHER. Frank, I do still love you, but would rather not be called in to work at 3:30am...

Long days and pleasant nights.

Monday, April 07, 2008

Frank's Weather Call

Normally I wouldn't post an ad for anyone, especially my current employer, on TammieLand. However, we are now offering the most awesome service.

This really works. I signed my parents up. Within a couple of days "Frank" called to warn them of a tornado warning in their area.

Here's how it works:
Go to and sign up for a small $6.00 per year. You give your name, address (no po box or rural route accepted) and the phone numbers and/or email addresses you wish to have contacted. When a Tornado Warning/Severe Thunderstorm Warning and/or a Flash Flood Warning is issued in your area - "Frank" will call you.

This service is available for anyone in the United States. That does include Hawaii and Alaska. For those of you that have satellite service, elderly folks in your family or are like my mom and just want to get a call from Frank - I highly recommend the service.

End of commercial!

Long days and pleasant nights.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Again With The Love....

Ok, I'm going to stop reading my horoscope. Mayhap.

This morning, this is what I'm told:

Capricorn Tammie,The love of your life will be featured in a passionate display. Time may take its toll if you are single, but a partnership that is already on its way gets a huge boost of passion. Focus on letting everyone involved know what is important to you.

Again, I'm perplexed. What the F does "partnership...on its way" mean? Did I totally miss the signs of a relationship? How is it that I am in a "partnership" and can't figure out who the other person is? Am I really that naive? Has my BFFrank actually contacted Piazza already? Could it be that 10 seconds that JB's eyes and mine met last Saturday night was more than just my imagination?

Well not to worry because just below this incredibly coded horoscope is this offer. Just in case I need more help:

Still Have Questions?
Connect now with your personal psychic to get answers.
Please choose your special offer.
3 free minute reading.
10 minute reading for just $1.99

Well, I'm all over that - NOT. I'm just going to wonder around in the woods until I happen upon an Oracle. That'll answer all my questions.

In the meantime - My Redbirds kicked some major butt last night. I must admit I had my worries about the team. With Rolen gone making Pujols the real team leader. They looked awesome last night. Pujols with the assistance of Molina really kept the young-uns going in the right direction. The downside to last nights said butt-kicking is the guys that were on the losing end were the Rockies. Sorry boys, I'm really trying to like you. And honestly the Rockies are a solid team with a great philosophy. I'll be supporting their farm team even more than usual this year. So, who knows mayhap in the future I won't cheer as loudly when Molina throws Holliday out at 2nd.

As for this season - we only have 161 games left. Where has the time gone?

Long days and pleasant nights.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Take Boland To Work Day...

When your day starts out a little less than wonderful. And the day before was a disaster. The best thing to do is grab your Hell Pony and take him to work with you.
The day will be so much brighter just knowing that you have him in your pocket. The trick is to keep him under wraps. People around you may not understand that huge smile on your face as he is explaining that if it ain't broke - don't fix it.
You and he are the only ones that really understand that it is Mexico or Crazy!
Trust me, as much fun as it is to "punch a bottle of jager" it is much more rewarding to just put the pony in your pocket and dance along.
When asked if you're ok - just smile and reply - "Yes - I'm in TammieLand and my Hell Pony is by my side."
The world is much much much better this way.
Now I'm off to Duma Key - Life could only be better if the Redbirds were with me also.
Long days and pleasant nights.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Horoscopes and Things....

Tammie, Passion heats up when you discover some common ground between you and a mysterious new acquaintance. That you two have things in common should speed up a bubbling intimacy.

I wonder why it is that my horoscope is ALWAYS dealing with intimacy? Everyone knows my thoughts of "love." It just doesn't exist - for me anyway.

My horoscope more times than not - talks about a person that either I have just met or am about to meet. What the H? I can get this exact same information while talking to myself. (At least I still talk to myself.) In fact conversations with myself are much more detailed. I at least give myself a description of this incredible man that I am about to meet. Information my horoscope loves to whithold.

Anywho, if any of you see a "mysterious" new person lurking in my area - give me a shout! I never notice those kinds of things.

Long days and pleasant nights.