Friday, February 29, 2008

When will the pain stop?

I have the day to myself so this morning I decided to go to the cemetery. My last visit was two days before Christmas. The flowers I left were still there. Still looked ok. Of course I brought more. This time lots of pink. I put them in the container by her name. Along with the mums that someone else had left. The next thing I know I'm curled up in a fetal position crying like a baby. So I fully laid down right there with only God, me and my dead grandparents. It felt like I was reliving Nov. 4 all over again. NT and Joy are here and we won't be going to Nannie's house. NT is here and she won't be the loudest voice singing Sunday morning. NT is here and she won't be smiling bigger than she has since his last visit.

I made it back to Patty's and Daddy called. I picked up Zentner about 12:30. He and I have played for awhile. I just put him down for a nap.

Gotta go clean the dishes and pull myself back together. Dinner with the family is at 6:30. Uncle NT wants catfish.

Long days and pleasant nights...


JoJo said...

When will the pain stop? it doesn't really - it just gets easier to deal with eventually - sorta

Anonymous said...

Hey Tam:

Just getting a chance to spend some time on your blog --

Cuz'n S in AL