Monday, February 18, 2008

Gotta be a Guy thing...

I was sooooo excited to get to watch Knight Rider last night. I absolutely loved that show when I was a young girl.

I can't remember if I was in love with David Hasselhoff. I don't remember his pictures on my bedroom wall. Scott Baio and Leaf Garrett were there, but not so much DH.

Anywho, I really liked the show. I think that the Mustang is hot and KIT is still the most awesome thing on Earth!

I'm alone in my summary. It seems that there is a growing group of "men" that are refusing to watch the show. I couldn't understand why. I mean it is about a super-fantastic car for crying outloud. Turns out the type of car matters. Who knew it wasn't a Mustang in the original series? I didn't. Until today. I tried to plead the case for the show.

1) hot guy driving the car
2) hot girl in love with hot guy driving the car
3) AWESOME car with totally 22nd century features

I'm going to continue to work on this poll and see how things turn out. Guys get over the Mustang thing - your alternative is watching Rob Lowe. (also incredibly hot guy)

Long days and pleasant nights.

I almost forgot. Hot guy driving awesome car - not as hot as the Chief Meteorologist at Channel 8.

1 comment:

JoJo said...

are you FREAKING KIDDING - I so avoided blogging about this cause it would be a soap opera - BUT YOU WENT THERE.... SO ....

1st of all - KIT WAS NOT A FORD! HELLO EVERYONE KNOWS KIT WAS NOT A FORD!!! NOT JUST GUYS! of all the fords - i am okay with the mustang - in fact I like them - BUT KIT WAS NOT A FORD! and did you actually watch the show - I tried, I watched for an hour and couldn't decide if that was Val Kilmer or someone else talking BUT IT WASN'T KIT!! and I dont know if the show was ever wll written, i LOVED it as a kid -(hell i even had my picture made with the car at universal studios when i was in college!!!) but i was a kid - maybe it sucked. BUT IT SURE AINT WELL WRITTEN NOW. I was sooooo annoyed after an hour that I decided to Watch DEXTER on CBS instead cause i figured anything written for Showtime would be miles ahead of this crap!!! I think it's a travesty to any legacy Knight Ryder had!!!

Guess i'm with the guys on this one!!!!