Thursday, February 14, 2008

Hearts Day

I must say I wasn't thrilled about Hearts Day. I am looking forward to Texas Day.

Anywho, my whole frame of mind changed when I arrived at work today. You see it has been 12 years since I last received a Valentine gift. I'm pretty sure that was just an obligatory thing anyway.

So when I saw TWO valentines on my desk, I was surprised. I was gleeful when they both had my name on them. One had an adorable giraffe on it proclaiming my cuteness, and a tootsie pop attached. The tootsie pop was quickly gobbled up. The other required an actual trip to a store and some time spent in the card dept. It is the first card I've ever received that has a mouse coming out of a cats nose. I LOVE IT!

So Happy Hearts Day and Thanks to my two secret Valentines.

Long Days and Pleaasant Nights.

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