Monday, February 18, 2008

Weekend Update

Emme turned 1!

What a celebration that was - too bad I missed it. Laura planned a Breakfast Birthday party. I got up, fed the puppies, put on a pot of coffee, had plenty of time to get ready and over to the birthday bash. So I decided to lay down and wait for the coffee to brew. That wasn't a wise decision. I woke up around 11:30. The party was totally over. I had a frantic message from Laura. I called to let them know how horribly sorry I was for missing this monumentous occasion. But since Emme is only 1 who would really notice my absence? Well, the 5 year old did. She took the phone from her daddy and laid into me. I don't know if you've ever been told off by a 5 year-old, but I'm telling you by the time she finished, I felt all of 2 inches high.

I did get back in the good graces of Sinclaire. It only took spending 45 minutes in her room and talking Barbies and potions with her. I'm hoping for a nice weekend so that I can bring her to my new house and get some real quality time with her. I miss the little girl and she is growing up so fast. She's already picked out her husband. We aren't sure if Harry Potter will wait for her, though.

Emme gave me lots of hugs and kisses. She even cried everytime I tried to put her down. She isn't a bit spoiled.

Yesterday afternoon, I actually got some yard work completed. Would have accomplished more if my BFF had actually fixed my chainsaw. (I promised to mention him every day in my blog)

Long days and pleasant nights.

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