Monday, May 14, 2007

Life Smucking Sucks

Did you ever feel like running away would solve all your problems? Maybe get a whole new identity and start over... Sounds good, except new problems will arise and then what do you do? Start over again?

The last couple of days have made me wonder what it would be like to run away and begin new as someone else. I used to do it. When I was a teenager, that was the beauty of being on stage. You could be someone else for a couple of hours. There was always a beginning and an end to every situation. No guessing, no incomplete synopsis. Somehow, things always worked out. I really wish that's how things were in real life.

Why can't life be like a day on the river. Not Jimmy's river, my river. The toughest thing you do is open a can of beer or soda. The worst thing that happens is you bite into a bologna and cheese sandwich expecting mustard but get mayo. I long for this life!

I'm tired of living on the edge of Boo'ya Moon looking at the Sweetheart Trees and hoping the long boy stays asleep a while longer.

Long Days and Pleasant Nights to ye...

1 comment:

fieldman said...

be strong,we like hearing from you