Friday, May 04, 2007

A Boland Bool?

Was it a bool? A Boland Bool? It’s possible. After-all, once you visit Boo’ya Moon you automatically think everyone understands when a bool is in progress. Unfortunately for Jo and me, we had not been to Boo’ya Moon when we witnessed the Boland Bool at the Calf Fry. We thought he had simply lost his smucking mind.

Here we were thinking that he had forgotten the Face of His Father, when in actuality, he was probably just in a bool. Now the question is, are there stations to this bool? This could be fun, yet, when dealing with bools, you never know what awaits you at the end. Most of the time, the really good bools, the end consists of a nice RC or candy bar in exchange for a job well-done on figuring it out. Hopefully, in the Stations of the Boland Bool quest, the end will find us at a JB&S concert that doesn’t feature the band from Boo’ya Moon or Mid-World for that matter.

Sai Boland, I beg ye pardon for losing faith and thinking ye had forgotten the face of your father. Now I understand that when I closed my eyes that night, your aim was true.

We were well met after all. Long Days and Pleasant Nights to ye…

1 comment:

JoJo said...

i hope not to remain as lost as i am right now