Thursday, May 17, 2007

Can you wear a T-Shirt to Church?

This won't be a long blog, however, it is necessary. The weekend was rough. Daddy had that stress-attack and Nannie found out her sister has alzheimer's.

When I talked to Nannie on Monday she was more depressed than I have heard her in two years. So, Tuesday was especially important. She had a doctor appointment and then Patty had one later in the day. We had lunch then Nannie came back to work with me. She was like a school girl. It was so fun. I heard stories I have never heard as she told them to my co-workers. They gave her some "goodies" to take home, including a t-shirt. Now, if you know Nannie, you know she doesn't wear t-shirts.

Imagine my shock when Patty called to tell me Nannie wore the t-shirt to lunch the next day, and planned to wear it to church that night! She told everyone at lunch where she had gotten her new clothing and that she searched her closet to find matching pants. She ended up in white slacks because none of the blue ones matched.

The best part of the story is that she is smiling again.

Long Days and Pleasant Nights to Ye!

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