Thursday, April 03, 2008

Again With The Love....

Ok, I'm going to stop reading my horoscope. Mayhap.

This morning, this is what I'm told:

Capricorn Tammie,The love of your life will be featured in a passionate display. Time may take its toll if you are single, but a partnership that is already on its way gets a huge boost of passion. Focus on letting everyone involved know what is important to you.

Again, I'm perplexed. What the F does "partnership...on its way" mean? Did I totally miss the signs of a relationship? How is it that I am in a "partnership" and can't figure out who the other person is? Am I really that naive? Has my BFFrank actually contacted Piazza already? Could it be that 10 seconds that JB's eyes and mine met last Saturday night was more than just my imagination?

Well not to worry because just below this incredibly coded horoscope is this offer. Just in case I need more help:

Still Have Questions?
Connect now with your personal psychic to get answers.
Please choose your special offer.
3 free minute reading.
10 minute reading for just $1.99

Well, I'm all over that - NOT. I'm just going to wonder around in the woods until I happen upon an Oracle. That'll answer all my questions.

In the meantime - My Redbirds kicked some major butt last night. I must admit I had my worries about the team. With Rolen gone making Pujols the real team leader. They looked awesome last night. Pujols with the assistance of Molina really kept the young-uns going in the right direction. The downside to last nights said butt-kicking is the guys that were on the losing end were the Rockies. Sorry boys, I'm really trying to like you. And honestly the Rockies are a solid team with a great philosophy. I'll be supporting their farm team even more than usual this year. So, who knows mayhap in the future I won't cheer as loudly when Molina throws Holliday out at 2nd.

As for this season - we only have 161 games left. Where has the time gone?

Long days and pleasant nights.

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