Thursday, January 08, 2009


It really doesn't take much to make me happy.

Last night while I was washing my dinner dishes, I heard a knock at the door. Followed by a lot of barking to let me know there had been a knock at the door.

It was Nicole!

As wonderful as it was to see her, she brought my Christmas present. That is the source for today's happiness. She bought Just After Sunset - King's latest collection of short stories.

I'm thinking that his short story books are probably up there with my favorites of his releases. You get scared many more times than in a novel. The novel is a totally different kind of scare. It creeps up on you. For example, in Duma Key, he kept warning me that the paintings of the ocean and the boats were deadly. I didn't realize that he was being literal until one killed his daughter. Jo, I dismissed the earlier suicide and murder attempt as coincidental...

Out of King's tinkering with short thoughts, we got such wonderful stories as Jeruselem's Lot that later turned into the absolutely horribly scary 'Salem's lot. Along with The Mist and 1408. My absolute favorite series, The Dark Tower, began with tinkering as well.

Needless to say, my weekend is Booked!

Long days and pleasant nights...

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