Thursday, February 22, 2007

Please don't call the Police

What a week it is turning out to be. When I got out of my car at home last night I could hear Toby. This is not a good thing. I knew the collar batteries were getting low, and now they were apparently dead. Then the door was hard to get open, another sign the anti-bark collars weren't working. Millie again tried to dig her way out and the collar didn't stop her. It's 7pm, I'm starving, but I repair the carpet, and leash the dachshunds and off we go. I went to 3 different pet stores before finding replacement batteries. A little disgusted because I actually ordered the batteries from the manufacturer 2 weeks ago and still haven't received them. They are now installed and working. Millie tested hers this morning.
The first pet store I visited, I actually loaded the babies into a shopping cart and took them in with me. All was well until an old woman decided to argue with me that I have standard dachshunds not mini's because they were a LOT bigger than any mini she has ever seen. Just wait until they are at their proper weight, I'll search her out and show her they really are mini's.
I was up and at the park by 7:25 this morning. My PT told me to add disbursements of jogging to my walking. So I walked 1.5 miles and jogged .5 miles. It just about killed me. Tonight she is starting me on weight training. I'll update you on that progress if my arms don't fall off.
Toodles for now!

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