Thursday, July 09, 2009

Life Looking Better?

The middle of the year is bringing good news!

Mom seems to have finished her chemo. She has a CT Scan scheduled for the last week of the month and then we see the Oncologist 2 weeks after that. Yes, I said "we". This is a family affair - her children would never think of letting her see the oncologist alone.

Stephen has a "happy" heart. Or at least that's how I'm looking at it. He had some sort of procedure to keep his heart beating at a healthy rate earlier in the week. He is home and doing fine.

Aunt Becky no longer has that pesky anuerism in her brain. The operation to remove it was successfully completed Monday. She is also back home now and doing fine.

My dryer went into a coma the last weekend of June. I say coma because I thought it was dead. Jimmy came up to work on it. We determined that it was probably the outlet. So the landlord had an electrician check that out. The outlet to the dryer was ok, but there were some other serious electrical issues he found. So that was about a 3 hour visit. The result was - living room light now works - dryer still in a coma. Tuesday night Daddy came up to switch my current dryer out with my old dryer from Renie's old house. After a look at the comatosed dryer - Daddy brought it back to life! Now, my old washer and dryer are living at a new home in McAlester.

The Redbirds have been playing pretty solid ball. Pujols has been outstanding, as expected. What was not expected is Ludwick's slump and Ankiel's less than stellar performance in the first half of the season. Another huge unknown was the performance of the numerous rookies we have this year. To the surprise of everyone - they are red hot. Pun intended. The Cardinals are one of the best teams at working its farm system. This season proof of that is on the field in St Louis with Rasmus especially.

Finally, today I received an email from my 401k fund. After about a year of losing money - last quarter my account was up 14%!!! This means I might be able to retire at the age of 90.

Long days and pleasant nights to ye

1 comment:

Irene said...

It is your old dryer, but the washer was mine. And thanks!!