Friday, June 05, 2009

Well-being Update

The pups and I went to their annual check-up today.

Millie recognized the place immediately and wanted nothing to do with it. Toby was his typical well-mannered self... as long as he was allowed to be right next to Mommie.

Both are in very good health. Millie's teeth, ears and eyes are all perfect. Even though she tried crawling under my shirt when the dr came toward her with a "thing." She did take the shots better than in times past. No drama queen this year, just lots of whining - loud whining. While she was on the table, the dr took time to discuss, once again, how nasty it is to eat kitty litter, with her.

We need to get Toby in for a deep cleaning of his teeth along with a pedicure. The dr tells me they sedate for both procedures so we can get a two-fer with him. She also says that he will probably be sent home with an antibiotic due to the amount of plaque. I'm pretty sure he will be demanding a new home when this happens. Nanna is on speed-dial. lol

Funny side - when the dr walked in - she remembered Millie, of course, then looked at me and said "aren't you Oprah's mommie?" In Pryor I'm known as Nicole's mom. In McAlester I'm Hayden's aunt. In Quinton, Mildred's grandaughter. But I've never been known as an animal's mommie. The nurse had asked me if Toby is a mommie's boy, and without a wink I answered, oh yeah. This must be the difference in a clinic run by women only rather than men. =)

Mom made it thru the 3rd round of chemo yesterday. All is looking very well for surgery in a month or so.

I have completey gotten Captain Trips out of my system. Still taking the amoxicillin for a few more days.

Long days and pleasant nights...

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