Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Need a Husband?

Yes, you read the title correctly.

I had a very interesting conversation with the all-knowing and wise 5 year-old Hayden, yesterday.

It started with a phone call to my parents house. He answered. I told him that I had volunteered him and me to help hand out Drillers lunch boxes and then we would watch the game. For some reason known only in the mind of a 5 year old - he countered that with "Who is your husband?"

That began the conversation about me not having a husband because I don't need one. He then decided that I do need a husband and hung up before I could "discuss" it further.

I sent his mother a message. I'm pretty sure she is still laughing about the conversation.

I'm taking this as a positive in Hayden's life. He is now living in a happy home. His mom has married a wonderful man who truly loves Hayden as his own. In fact, he and Hayden are going to Six Flags this summer without "mom". The fact that he thinks I need something like that, makes me very happy for him.

On the other hand... I really don't think I need a husband.

Long days and pleasant nights...

1 comment:

Irene said...

That's my grandson, and at least he didn't tell you that you have to get him a cell phone "right now" he can't wait until the weekend to get one. Cause his momma said he can't buy one with his own money! She is probably still laughing about that too!