Monday, February 23, 2009

Lessons of a Toddler

Just a quickie right now. I have to download the plethera of pics from the weekend. This was my first "monthly" visit with Skylar. Odd calling him that.

He taught Aunt Mammie a lot this weekend.

The short list:

The washing machine that shakes the whole kitchen isn't annoying - it's fun!
Baseball lessons on top of the shaking washing machine are the best.
DVD's play better when licked and wiped on your diaper.
You can never see enough of Sponge Bob Square Pants, Dora and Shrek.
Bathtime and teeth brushing are an adventure, not a chore.
Pictures should be moved around instead of sitting in one place for more than ten minutes.
Always start your day sitting at the big kitchen table, smiling and saying "good morning."

Long days and pleasant nights...

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