Thursday, January 10, 2008

What's Wrong with a Woman?

Sorry folks, but I have to give my opinion to those "Political Pollsters" that are scrambling to "explain" why Hillary won the New Hampshire primary. People can read. They didn't vote for Hillary simply because her name came before Obama's. Please, give us a little more credit than that.
Would they be scrambling if they had predicted Hillary to win and she didn't? I don't think so. Those of you that know me, know I really want Edwards. I'm thinking that's not going to happen. But, I'm no longer sad that Hillary is doing well. I've watched her on talk shows and other things. We know this woman. We first saw her in the early '90's and honestly, I've loved her since the whole "I don't bake cookies" contraversy.
She is tough and compassionate at the same time. She is everything that we want from a man, only she is a WOMAN.
It also angers me that these self-professed political journalists have been saying that people don't like Hillary because she doesn't show emotion, then when she does get caught on camera in a weak moment, go all over her because she showed weakness. Well, she is only HUMAN.
On February 5, if my choices are limited to Obama and Clinton - my vote is definately Clinton.

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