Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Parents & Children

I'm pretty sure I have cured my parents' computer. It had contracted a virus. We (Patty and I) are blaming the two grandsons. They like to download from questionable sites. So, I discussed the problem the 'puter was having with our Computer Guru. He diagnosed it the same way I did. Then he offered the generic Dell recovery CD that is incased in a glass box in the IT dept. He sent me home with the CD and pretty good instructions. I followed them to the letter, including, drink a beer while formatting, and it worked. Millie also felt that it would make things go faster if we played fetch while the CD worked it's magic.

Patty and Jimmy are in OKC this week. Patty called and offered to buy Nicole lunch. Turns out, Nicole decided to give Patty a tour of OU and buy her lunch. Patty had the pleasure of eating at the Cate Center Cafeteria! I've eaten there and also at the small coffee shop inside the Library on campus. Must say that the library was a bit better. I'm pretty sure the best part of Patty visiting OU is the gallon of pickled okra that she delivered. I'm also pretty sure that Ryan won't be seeing that gift.

Long days and pleasant nights

1 comment:

PattysFarm said...

Jimmy just learned he actually won something on the lottery last sat. night. $2, whoooo hooo!!!