Monday, November 30, 2009


Things I have learned by being the "mommie" of a black panther range from a soft purr doesn't always mean I Love You to black panthers are invisible when sitting in a black bag...

Lately we have been battling fleas. We don't have a huge flea problem, but even one flea is way too many for this pet mommie.

So last night after doing my 3rd flea check on the pups and successfully scaring Toby to the underside of the bed, I picked up the flea comb and the black panther.

She loves getting her hair brushed. When she thinks I have gone too long without brushing her, she lays on the brush and cries. So it was no surprise that she loved the flea comb going thru her hair. She only became annoyed when she was tired of the combing before I was finished. To let me know she wanted no more combing she rolled over on her back and promptly attacked the comb. This was a fun game for about 2 minutes. Then she was off and chasing her sister...

The lesson? Enjoy life for everything it throws at you. When you are tired of the present situation, simply attack it and run as fast as you can to your sister! She may growl at first but before you know it the two of you will be curled up on the blankie sound asleep.

Long days and pleasant nights...

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