Monday, August 20, 2007

Bestest Aunt Tammie Ever

I had a pretty exciting weekend.

It began with what was supposed to be an uneventful and boring cleaning of the inside of my car. I placed the puppies on their harnesses and took them with me. I thought they would like being outside with Mommie. It was all fun until another resident decided to walk her rather large canine within the view of my puppies. Millie and Toby raised hell barking. I realized the sound of the barking was greatly reduced, looked and Toby had magically broken free of his harness. He tore out ready to eat the canine that was at least 800 times his size. Once he reached this horrible creature, the barking seized instantly and he looked at me totally confused. He had caught it, now what?... was the look on his face. Needless to say, they were both taken inside the apt for the duration of the cleaning.

Then we went to Petco to have their toes trimmed. Toby pooped in the lobby, Millie tried to bite one of the dachshund manicurists. Then when that didn't work, she peed on her. Needless to say, Petco was happy to see us leave.

In the midst of this drama...I was named "The Bestest Aunt Tammie EVER!" I also received 4 unrequested hugs. Not just hugs, great, big, bear hugs. All I had to do was take her a basket that turned into a cage for her animals, a princess doll, one blinking princess crown, one pair of high-heeled princess shoes and one princess wand.

The Barber Cut Off was yesterday. T came up and helped us. We had a blast. We laughed heartily at the woman that dropped food all over Cindy and actually accused Cindy of being rude because she didn't give her an autograph before cleaning up the food and carrying it to a chair for her. Anywho, we had fun and everyone actually thought T was nice and fun. I think she drugged them...

Last night I decided to place two quilts under the sheet on the transformer bed. It is getting rather hard on my back. It was fun making the bed with a puppy playing chase under the sheet. You should try it sometime. Seriously, I have a puppy you can borrow for the chase.

Long days and pleasant nights...

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