Thursday, January 28, 2010

Annunciation...Thanks Mrs Butler

I know I am the minority when it comes to my political views. I am a Blue person in a Blood Red state.

However, I would like to share my thoughts on last nights State of the Union address. It was very refreshing to have a person speak from the podium in complete sentences with correct annunciation of all the words.

When I was in the eighth grade we were required to take a speech class. This was not English expanded, it was a class on how to speak properly in public. How to give a presentation orally. In this class I remember Mrs. Butler reading a piece of prose to us the first week of school. It was written in Okie Slang. To this day I have not forgotten the embarrassment I felt that day. That was the day that I began listening intently to local and national news commentators. I am proud of the fact that when away from McAlester, people have a difficult time pinpointing my "accent."

We were taught to speak clearly with proper American English and full sentences. I was teased by family members because I took this to heart. It has served me well though.

So last night when the 80 minute speach concluded - I was in awe of the way it had been delivered. Like what he said or not, you have to admit it was a very refreshing change. For the first time in almost a decade, the late night comics had to look at people other than the President to poke fun at the State of the Union speech. Fortunately for the comedians he has a very comical VP and Speaker that give them plenty of talking points.

Without going too deeply into my opinion of the content... I agree, Mr. President!

Now off to the storm preps...

Long days and pleasant nights

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, I believe Hitler was a great orator as well....

Your Cuz