Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Night of Oprah

Oh my did this little 3 pound kitten take over.

Yesterday I moved her to the bathroom. The doggie gate was placed at the bedroom door. Now she has abandoned the smaller room for the much larger area under my bed. She should have come with a copy of the Jaws soundtrack. Any foot that goes near the bedskirt is in danger of being attacked by a little black paw.

Last night I held her and sat on the bed with the dachshunds. Once she learned that I would swat at the big critters as quickly as she could, she gave the discipline over to me. Millie bored quickly and snuggled up under the covers. Toby wanted to either eat the kitten or something. He finally started just sniffing her without trying to gobble her up. Oh one more thing, before Millie went to sleep, she gave the "puppy" kisses. Oprah allowed her too.

Toby, Millie and I slept on the bed. Oprah was all over the place. When she finally tired, she snuggled up under the bed.

This morning after she ate, she lost her mommie and cried. (This is where the "awe" comes in) so I held her for about 5 minutes and she was fine.

Long days and pleasant nights.

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