Thursday, September 18, 2008


Haven't been able to update in awhile. So here's what has been happening:

Millie has responded well to the allergy medicine. In fact we are down to just getting an allergy pill when she has a bright red tummy after going outside. The up-side is that Toby and Millie get peanut butter at least once a day. The down-side is that I can no longer enjoy peanut butter sandwiches.

Work is going well. In fact Frank brought me a HUGE slice of Teri's homemade lasagna yesterday. It was gone in seconds!

That's about it. I have plenty to say, just don't want to run people off.

Long days and pleasant nights.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Apparently time and space(as well as math)operate differently south of the state line. Maybe it's just a lack of oxygen at that low altitude that is responsible for such blatant calculations in age. Or is it chemical poisoning for the frequent use of industrial intelligence-a.k.a. hair dye that should be held accountable.
P.S. Maybe it's plain ole senility.