Monday, March 26, 2007

So Many Things To Say

Millie and Toby visited the farm. Millie absolutely loves going to Nanna’s and getting run and run and run like a totally wild dog. The best part is there is no harness with Mommie attached at the other end. Then Nanna sent Mommie on a shopping trip. When I came back, well, someone had convinced Nanna that the collars bearing identification were strangling both Toby and Millie. So she saved their lives at the last minute by removing those horrible things from around the precious babies’ necks.

Anyway, we had loads of fun and ate way too much grilled chicken. Oh let me just mention for a moment that we went to see a movie that a friend of Jo’s swore we HAD to see because it is sooooo awesome – 300.

Well, I’m no movie critic, but I’ve never been more bored in my life. ‘nuf said.

Sunday was probably the most active. (Going to the Mazie Prairie is only tiring for Millie, Toby and I tend to do nothing more strenuous than get a beer from the fridge) Sunday, we were up and on our way to Uncle Jimmy’s house by 8:30am. He puppysat while Patty and I went to church with Nannie. Now one wouldn’t think going to church with your 85 year old grandmother would be eventful. Well, with my family life is always an event. Nichole was there with J’son and Emery. Those boys are too cute for anything. If you don’t believe me hop on over to The Sweetens and it will be proven to you. Anyway, the second trip out, I was privileged to go with the boys. We had a blast dinosaur hunting in the big forest by the church. Then we had lunch in town with Nannie. On our way back to pick up the puppies Uncle Jimmy called. Millie had an accident. She had sliced her leg open. She was so sweet and crawled in Uncle Jimmy’s lap to show him the boo boo. She wasn’t so sweet when Mommie held her while Aunt Patty administered medication and a bandage. We tried to change the bandage before our trip back to Tulsa. Three adults could not contain a 13 pound dachshund long enough to change a bandage. Oh well, she was walking fine when I left this morning.

That’s all for now, I will update this blog with pics of the Sweeten boys…

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