Friday, March 21, 2008

Things I've Learned...

When the whole state is on Spring Break, work sucks.

Uncle NT is a very funny man. He has a wonderful sense of humor.

The Detroit Tigers are a team I should watch - Although they are officially in the AL all their players are from the NL. Namely - Scott Rolen.

The pillows are on my bed for Toby and Millie's benefit.

An an-tet with the dinh is quite interesting. If ye ken-it

Some people should never under any circumstances be allowed to travel alone. In the event that they do, my phone number should be erased from all memory.

Certain toys are only for use inside. Not sure if I agree with this, but it's what I'm told.

The only "sport" worth watching is Baseball.

When renting an Easter Bunny suit, always try it on before leaving the store. Otherwise someone might have very embarrassing pictures of you...

More later. I'm going to go read some more...

Long days and pleasant nights to ye.

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