Fr. Bob is the priest that walked me thru catechism classes and then confirmed me. He taught me to be a lay reader and encouraged me to become a lay preacher. He is also the not-so-wise man that placed me as Sunday School Director. There are some fun stories in that period. He also taught me that while a priest has the ability to grant absolution, it is given at the discretion of the priest. Moral to that story, always invite Padre when enjoying a bottle of his favorite wine.
Why didn't I make it to church? Well, a "friend" called me at 24:30 this morning. We had a fun time talking, at least I had a fun time listening to my "friend" talk. It took some training, but this person has finally figured out the "drunk" is the one that is supposed to do the "drunk dialling." I'm told that I'm now on this "drunk dial" list. That will be interesting. =)
Then I totally forgot to set my alarm clock. The tv no longer wakes me. And my reliable Millie clock has started enjoying sleeping until 10am. Needless to say, I didn't make it to church. Hopefully, next week I will.
This is Easter morning. I remember Easter as always being warm. Well, it isn't today. It is freakin cold. So, the lawn may not get mowed today. I might just go to Duma Key. I've been as far into Mejis as I can go until Jeff K. shows up with the next issue.
Happy Easter!
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