Monday, March 24, 2008

Stuff White People Like

In my thoughts today about what I should blog about. I was thinking Duma Key. You see, I've actually made it all the way to Duma Key and have now met some interesting characters. If I blog about this, I can't figure out how to involve Frank or Jeff in the entry. So that's out.

Then I thought about blogging about the fact that Frank saved me some money by selling me his mom's lawnmower. But that's just boring, even though his mom is quite nice and funny. And, how am I going to get Jeff into a conversation about Frank? So that's out.

Then this morning while reading thru the news sites that I look at for, you know, news, I found this blog:

Frank and Jeff are both white boys - so there ya go.

Ok, so this white people blog is all about what middle class, liberal, white people like. It has become so popular that the guy now has a book deal. The title caught my attention. Then the people it caters too - while I'm not exactly middle class - I'm getting there. So, I followed the link. I'll be darned if it doesn't have most of the things I like listed. Well, I really don't like soccer and don't even pretend to like it. Even though Jeff says that is the best way for me to meet a man. Sorry, just can't do it.

I also have gay, black, hispanic and texan friends. So that takes care of that category. I've given dinner parties and actually enjoy them. I can't believe how white I'm discovering I am.

Anyway, have a nice day...

Long days and pleasant nights.

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