I have what can easily be categorized as the typical dysfunctional American family.
When I was a child there were always plenty of family members around. My cousins and I, at least the Original 7, are literally stair-steps. Patty was born in 1964 - I came along a mere 13 months later in 1966 - Gary Don arrived in 1967 - Irene in 1968 - Larry, Jeannie and Michelle arrived by the early '70's. Aunt B. is only about 7 years older than me, so you see there were always people there.
Summers and weekends were at Nannie and Poppie's up thru high school. We attended church at Palestine at least once a month. Had Sunday lunch that Nannie cooked. Papa Dude and Granny May lived a couple miles away and we saw them almost as much. Not to mention Grandmama Hattie. Blessed is the only way I can describe my childhood.
We lived in McAlester - a full 30 minute drive one way from the Home Place - Russelville. Uncle Don moved his family to Western Oklahoma early in my childhood. I have fond memories of a couple of summers spent with him. He taught me how to get his permission before leaving a broken combine in the middle of a wheat field - oh and not to leave said wheat field with the bosses son who is my age and really cute. He taught me that life is short and live every day for what it is as long as Uncle Don approves. =)
Gary Don and I were kindred spirits at one time. He was always getting me into trouble. Or should I say he was always convincing me to do things we weren't supposed to do and then blaming Patty. The year he got a bb gun for Christmas the very first thing we did was shoot the neighbor's cows. I'm pretty sure we blamed Patty or at least tried. =) We were pretty close thru our childhood. We would lie out on the lawn or in the back of a pickup and just stare at the night sky and dream about our futures. He was going to be a famous football star - I was going to be an actress. He was the first person I talked to when I saw that my marriage wasn't going to make it. While others told me to suck it up and do whatever it took to stay married, Gary Don told me I had to do what was best for me. He backed me up when all hell broke loose. I truly loved that Gary Don. The one that was strong and supportive and knew right from wrong. The Gary Don that loved the family.
Then he divorced Debbie. Married Charlotte and moved to Houston. That is when the devil took hold of my cousin. She sucked his soul right out of him. He has never been the same. I miss him so much. He and I will never be able to have a civil conversation. I know this because of the pain and the guilt he has over how he and Charlotte treated our grandmother. He should have been the golden boy. He is Don's son. Uncle Don moved home to take care of his parents. He tended the land and became his mother's care-giver. Gary Don lived on the land for free. Took what he wanted when he wanted without even asking. Broke things and never took responsibilty. The last straw that broke my grandmother's heart was when he called the sheriff to report Uncle Wayne had stolen something. Turns out alleged "stolen" goods belonged to Nannie.
At one time I had Gary Don and Vernon. To me neither could do wrong. They were equally wonderful and perfect. Well, Gary Don did the ultimate in bad karma collecting in how he treated Nannie. Vernon has just fallen off the face of the Earth. If anyone out there runs into a Vernon E Frisbee that is 43 and looks like me - tell him to call.
Mayhap this is the reason I'm so thrilled about my cousin from the Southwest waltzing back into my life.
Family is family. Blood is thicker than water. But when you sleep with the devil herself, well, even family may not be able to save you.
I can sleep well, my spirit is at ease with the time I spent with my grandparents while they were on Earth.
Before I go I have one request - I love messages posted - Especially like the ones that have the guts to give me their name, ye kennit, Charlotte?
- see ya along the beam...
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Hey there Tam:
You sound rather down today -- remember that you are loved by a family (extended included) that is always there for you ... regardless of time and distance.
Cuz'n S in AL
Wow.....I guess I should read TammieLand more often. Let me know if I miss something else.
Before you go to spouting off you really should check, and re-check your facts. I never lived on any land for free, I certainly never took anything withour asking (you, of all people, know i was taught better than that) and I certainly never called law enforcement on anyone for stealing anything. I am not sure who told you these "stories". The Tammie I knew and grew up with ALWAYS checked the sources before she passed judgement. I am still waiting on my apology from you by the way. Oh, by the way, the name is Gary Don!
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