Sunday, March 30, 2008
The Bourbon Legend
With all my chores complete well before noon Saturday and Nicole nowhere in sight, I decided I would go see Boland. Even if I had to go alone.
Nicole came in around 5:30. I made her favorite - ghoulash and cornbread. We had a nice dinner. I helped myself to about half of the gift from Roger Clemens. Hit the shower. Kissed my daughter goodbye and headed downtown to the house Bob Wills built.
Let me lay the groundwork for why I was a bit hesitant in going.
First the Cain's is downtown. While Tulsa is working hard to bring that area back, it is still a scary place.
Second, my last outing to see a Texas Country group was a huge disaster. While I knew some of the songs, and Jo knew a lot of the songs, most of the twenty-somethings there didn't even realize a band was on the stage. All the girls looked like Paris Hilton and the boys were well, boys. Pretty much the band rocked, the audience sucked.
Third, I was on my own for this venture. If I were to try to get to the stage and some bimbo didn't want me there, who would have my back?
Fourth and most important, the last couple times we have seen Jason he was "Alien" or "Pod" Jason. We knew it was him if we closed our eyes and just listened. But if we watched, well the oddest things were happening on stage.
Last night I fell in love with Jason Boland all over again. He really rocked. While he is no longer the Jason Boland I have long loved he is a new JB that I really love. (He can eat crackers in my bed anytime, so to speak.)
The old Boland walked up to the mic and started singing and just stood there the whole set. He would drink the occasional shot of jager and chase it with Bud Light. Almost always had a cigarette. He was solemn, no smiles from this brooding man. I fell head-over-heals for him. His voice and songs were unmatched and true country.
New Boland waltzes to the mic and confidently belts out a song you would swear he had written. He is halfway thru it before you realize it's actually a song you know from Waylon! No cigarette now and he sips from a bottle of water. His voice is still classic Boland. No others can replicate that. You swear that Waylon song was actually Boland's all along. Yes, ladies he is THAT good. He has also begun talking to the audience. He chats with the band members - only Roger and Grady are still a bit stunned with this. He is having as much fun on the stage as we are in the pit.
Another wonderful thing about last night - the audience was there for Boland. He was able to stand back from the mic and allow us to sing a chorus or two of several songs. He told us while we sounded ok, we should probably try drinking some more. =D
There was only one fight that I saw. Hell, the band started just playing their instruments and watched as security broke it up. I think they played the chorus of Shot Full of Holes at least 5 times while watching security. Boland mocked the people fighting, told them to just have another beer and enjoy the music. His words not as colorful as his buddy Cody's, but still funny.
Anywho, if you ever get the chance to hang with the Stragglers - I strongly suggest it.
Long days and pleasant nights.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Most Uneventful Saturday...
Woke up around 8:30 - Millie disovered I was awake around 8:45 - was forced to get up at 8:46. Unlike Toby and Me, when Millie wakes up - she is wired. It's like she has already drank 2 pots of coffee and is ready to go.
Was at the tanning salon by 9:30. Carlton thinks I'm nuts for baking myself. I tried to explain that even a turkey looks better after being cooked. He didn't buy it
Back home and laundry started, dishes washed, etc. no later than 10:30. A friend taught me how to do situps on my exercise ball, so todays pushups are complete. Shopping for the weekend is also complete. Discovered no baseball game on until 4pm - turned on Toby, Jason and the Beatles - picked up SK and went on down to Duma Key.
Side note: I've fired up the old laptop a couple times today. Delighted to find emails from my favorite cousin in AL. He asked me a question, thought I would see the reaction here: Quick S.King trivia: what "nom de plume" has he also written under? - I know my reply - what's yours?
Anyway we finally have a baseball game on the tube. I've left Duma Key for a little work on the quilt Nannie and I are working on. Waiting for Nicole to arrive. I've lured her to my house with the promise of Momma's Goulash!
Hopefully I'll get to see Jason in person tonight. Depends on the guilt trip laid on me by my very Green child.
Long days and pleasant nights
Thursday, March 27, 2008
When I was a child there were always plenty of family members around. My cousins and I, at least the Original 7, are literally stair-steps. Patty was born in 1964 - I came along a mere 13 months later in 1966 - Gary Don arrived in 1967 - Irene in 1968 - Larry, Jeannie and Michelle arrived by the early '70's. Aunt B. is only about 7 years older than me, so you see there were always people there.
Summers and weekends were at Nannie and Poppie's up thru high school. We attended church at Palestine at least once a month. Had Sunday lunch that Nannie cooked. Papa Dude and Granny May lived a couple miles away and we saw them almost as much. Not to mention Grandmama Hattie. Blessed is the only way I can describe my childhood.
We lived in McAlester - a full 30 minute drive one way from the Home Place - Russelville. Uncle Don moved his family to Western Oklahoma early in my childhood. I have fond memories of a couple of summers spent with him. He taught me how to get his permission before leaving a broken combine in the middle of a wheat field - oh and not to leave said wheat field with the bosses son who is my age and really cute. He taught me that life is short and live every day for what it is as long as Uncle Don approves. =)
Gary Don and I were kindred spirits at one time. He was always getting me into trouble. Or should I say he was always convincing me to do things we weren't supposed to do and then blaming Patty. The year he got a bb gun for Christmas the very first thing we did was shoot the neighbor's cows. I'm pretty sure we blamed Patty or at least tried. =) We were pretty close thru our childhood. We would lie out on the lawn or in the back of a pickup and just stare at the night sky and dream about our futures. He was going to be a famous football star - I was going to be an actress. He was the first person I talked to when I saw that my marriage wasn't going to make it. While others told me to suck it up and do whatever it took to stay married, Gary Don told me I had to do what was best for me. He backed me up when all hell broke loose. I truly loved that Gary Don. The one that was strong and supportive and knew right from wrong. The Gary Don that loved the family.
Then he divorced Debbie. Married Charlotte and moved to Houston. That is when the devil took hold of my cousin. She sucked his soul right out of him. He has never been the same. I miss him so much. He and I will never be able to have a civil conversation. I know this because of the pain and the guilt he has over how he and Charlotte treated our grandmother. He should have been the golden boy. He is Don's son. Uncle Don moved home to take care of his parents. He tended the land and became his mother's care-giver. Gary Don lived on the land for free. Took what he wanted when he wanted without even asking. Broke things and never took responsibilty. The last straw that broke my grandmother's heart was when he called the sheriff to report Uncle Wayne had stolen something. Turns out alleged "stolen" goods belonged to Nannie.
At one time I had Gary Don and Vernon. To me neither could do wrong. They were equally wonderful and perfect. Well, Gary Don did the ultimate in bad karma collecting in how he treated Nannie. Vernon has just fallen off the face of the Earth. If anyone out there runs into a Vernon E Frisbee that is 43 and looks like me - tell him to call.
Mayhap this is the reason I'm so thrilled about my cousin from the Southwest waltzing back into my life.
Family is family. Blood is thicker than water. But when you sleep with the devil herself, well, even family may not be able to save you.
I can sleep well, my spirit is at ease with the time I spent with my grandparents while they were on Earth.
Before I go I have one request - I love messages posted - Especially like the ones that have the guts to give me their name, ye kennit, Charlotte?
- see ya along the beam...
Meet the Neighbors...

Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Clint Needs a Date...

Today we learned that the bimbo from Oklahoma that was on the Bachelor lives in Oklahoma City, but grew up in Bartlesville. Let me just add at this time that she wasn't born in Oklahoma so technically we don't have to claim her.
Anyway, another anchor pointed out to Clint that they both grew up in Bartlesville. So he decided to try to look her up.
I'm panicked over this. Clint is a very innocent, unassuming young man. True, he needs a good woman. But that opera singing, beer biting, bimbo in OKC is NOT the woman for him.
Clint needs a tall blonde fun-loving woman that cooks, sews, and likes kids. He is easy to get along with unless you tell him that OU is better than OSU. Oh yeah said woman also needs to love ORANGE. A working knowledge of Woody Guthrie songs is a plus.
I'm working on a form for all interested parties to complete. I have met his mother and am pretty sure I can find the perfect woman for him to take home for dinner. Frank, I'm assuming, will help me in the process of elimination.
One more thing, those of you that know Nicole, Clint needs the exact opposite of her. Just saying their first and only meeting wasn't exactly fireworks. Well, there were fireworks but not the kind that are considered good.
If you're interested give a shout!
PS: Don't tell Clint that we're trying to help him. He is a bit bashful.
It's Finally Here...
Anywho, we are just 6 days away from Opening Day in St. Louis. This season will be interesting for me. I've promised myself to pay more attention to the Rockies. Especially since I already know most of their team. And I've promised my cousin that I'll pay attention to the DBacks this year. He's still trying to convince me they are a real MLB team. Not sure if I'm there yet. If they make it to the play-offs we'll see how much my favorite cousin loves me. (hint & wink)
My BFFrank is trying to convince me to turn Dodger Blue. But, no matter what, even with Piazza there last season and knowing that's where he began, I can't go there. The Dodgers are my sworn enemy. They are the only NL team that challenged my Big Red Machine in the 70's and early 80's. Once you've fought that battle, well it's tough to move on. Also, they've added Joe Torre as their Manager this year. Talk about nemesis. Joe is arguably in the top 10 all-time greatest managers to ever live. This year he will really be put to the test. He doesn't have Steinbrenner's wallet buying him the best players for this team. They'll be interesting to watch, but I still won't be pulling for them, well, unless they make it to the World Series. =)
LaRussa has his job cut out for him this year as well. The team no longer has the leaders of the past decade. Rolen is now in Detroit. Matheny left 2 years ago. Headed West, I think. And other key players opted out. From what I saw during Spring Training this is a good group of men. If we can get our pitchers well and keep them off the DL, we should be contenders for at least a Wild Card.
With Kara in St. Louis and Jeff in Tucson, Jo may not have to go to a baseball game this year. Or I might say, I might not have to watch the Rangers play this year. She chose her favorite baseball team the same way she chose her favorite football team. I like the science behind her choices, just not the final choice in baseball. In my opinion, no team in Texas has figured out how to manage a winning baseball team. It's not for lack of talent on the players fault either.
Hope you have enjoyed this commentary on Baseball according to Tammie. Grab an ice cold beer, sit back and enjoy the season.
Long days and pleasant nights.
Monday, March 24, 2008
BFF Clone?
I wish I could. Because he is the best friend a girl could have. Let me 'splain...
Last Friday I told him that I had bought a new lawnmower. Well his mind immediately figured out how to save me some money and make his wonderful mom a buck at the same time. Not to mention I had the pleasure of meeting this absolutely lovely person. (ok, she gave me a compliment so now she is one of my favorite people - I'm blue...)
But it goes further than just the lawnmower issue. He gave me a valentine card and an Easter present. Simply because he says that I should be treated like the special angel that I am. And he is giving me these gifts until someone takes his place. Of course he is doing this with Teri's knowledge.
He and I are going to Rocklahoma together. He has promised me that he is going to find the "right man" for me. All I have to do is hang out with him and he will introduce me to all these wonderful men. Ok, Frank has never been to Rocklahoma, and doesn't understand the laughter when he tells me that there will be men there for me. Those of you that remember seeing my pics from Rocklahoma will understand.
I'm also sure that his promise to introduce me to Mike Piazza will happen. He says that since they are both Italian, that means they are "blood" and our meeting is "in the bag." Of course it is up to me to convince Piazza that he is madly in love with me. I'm sure that won't be too difficult. ;-)
And, he also says that Nicole really should appreciate me a LOT more. (ok, I threw that one in there on my own, but I'm sure he would say it, and she would care.)
Anywho, in my opinion - everyone should have a BFFrank! They're awesome!
Long days and pleasant nights.
Stuff White People Like
Then I thought about blogging about the fact that Frank saved me some money by selling me his mom's lawnmower. But that's just boring, even though his mom is quite nice and funny. And, how am I going to get Jeff into a conversation about Frank? So that's out.
Then this morning while reading thru the news sites that I look at for, you know, news, I found this blog:
Frank and Jeff are both white boys - so there ya go.
Ok, so this white people blog is all about what middle class, liberal, white people like. It has become so popular that the guy now has a book deal. The title caught my attention. Then the people it caters too - while I'm not exactly middle class - I'm getting there. So, I followed the link. I'll be darned if it doesn't have most of the things I like listed. Well, I really don't like soccer and don't even pretend to like it. Even though Jeff says that is the best way for me to meet a man. Sorry, just can't do it.
I also have gay, black, hispanic and texan friends. So that takes care of that category. I've given dinner parties and actually enjoy them. I can't believe how white I'm discovering I am.
Anyway, have a nice day...
Long days and pleasant nights.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Happy Freakin Easter

Friday, March 21, 2008
Things I've Learned...
Uncle NT is a very funny man. He has a wonderful sense of humor.
The Detroit Tigers are a team I should watch - Although they are officially in the AL all their players are from the NL. Namely - Scott Rolen.
The pillows are on my bed for Toby and Millie's benefit.
An an-tet with the dinh is quite interesting. If ye ken-it
Some people should never under any circumstances be allowed to travel alone. In the event that they do, my phone number should be erased from all memory.
Certain toys are only for use inside. Not sure if I agree with this, but it's what I'm told.
The only "sport" worth watching is Baseball.
When renting an Easter Bunny suit, always try it on before leaving the store. Otherwise someone might have very embarrassing pictures of you...
More later. I'm going to go read some more...
Long days and pleasant nights to ye.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Hawaiian Dreams...
Monday, March 17, 2008
Congrats Nicole

Now my baby girl is an engaged young woman.

Now to me. Because this is TammieLand. =)
I hope I make a good mother-in-law. I've had limited experience to draw from.
My mom cooks for Jimmy. Nannie always made daddy's favorite foods when we visited. So, maybe I should start cooking.
Anyway... there will be updates to this whole new phase of our lives.
Long days and pleasant nights.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Put a Bitch in the White House

Thursday, March 13, 2008
New to Me Artist
From the Stragglers: "Jason Boland and Aaron Watson, two of Texas’ hottest touring acts, announced this week that they will be joining forces for fifteen shows in April and May. Both acts have earned their reputations as some of the hardest working acts in Country music. Both artists keep up a tour schedule regularly performing in excess of 200 shows a year to sell out crowds. This is the first time in recent history that two “marquee” Texas headliners have hooked up for a full-blown tour spanning the course of any significant amount of time."
I don't recall ever hearing of Aaron Watson. So my first reaction was to ask Jo if "we" like his music. Then I thought, that's crazy, just google him and find out for yourself. So I did and I do! This fella is as country as Boland. Coming from me, you know that's pretty damn country. I can see myself two-stepping and toe tapping to this music. And Aaron isn't too hard on the eyes either. Can't wait to see his show. You can hear his music on his MySpace page.
Other good news from my Boys from Oklahoma... they are scheduled to release the new cd Labor day. You can bet I'll have mine on order the first day possible.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Rant - Read at Your Own Risk...
There are 10 Commandments (paraphrased): You shall have no other gods before Me; No graven images; you shall not take the name of the Lord in vain; Remember the Sabbath; Honor your father and mother; Do not murder; Do not commit adultry; Do not steal; Do not lie; Do not covet.
A wise priest once said we tend to forget that there are more than 3 commandments. The last few days watching any television has driven me nuts.
The newest Papal addition has decided that we need seven more deadly sins to worry about. All the press seems to care about is one sin - adultry. While I don't condone this, I also don't think that the fact that the governor of NY having sex with call girls calls for a 24/7 media blitz. Let the man resign in humiliation and move on. We don't need to be reminded of all the politicians that have ever been caught cheating. We don't need to be reminded that Hillary Clinton stood by her husband and forgave him and worked it out.
There is no shame in loving the man you married. There is no shame in saying you want to stay with him and work it out privately. I personally admire Mrs. Clinton for doing just that. The President says he spent many nights sleeping on the couch in the White House. Good for you Hillary!
Now, I do understand that the NY Governor allegedly spent $80,000 on the prostitution service over a period of 10 years. If that was public money, get him for that. That is a sin for the court to deal with. I don't understand why Republicans are so fast at calling for impeachment when a man is caught with his zipper down. The worse thing you can do to the man is let his wife take care of it.
Let's get back to what is important: Global warming, every nation in the world with the exception of maybe Belgium hates us, the economy is in the tanker, people are loosing their homes, Roger Clemens did steroids. That should be enough to keep the news people at CNN busy.
Getting off my Liberal Soap Box now...
long days and pleasant nights.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Awesome Boss...
I have never been asked that question before. And honestly couldn't think of a darn thing I had done that would make him particularly happy. So I replied that I had actually come to work. According to Carlton that is expected and doesn't necessarily make him happy. I honestly couldn't think of anything. It was a normal day. Monday morning payroll stuff. Regular Monday afternoon meetings. Nothing out-of-the-ordinary.
So this morning, I take a stack of bills in his office to be signed off. First bill was for pagers. I pointed out that in the last 3 months I have shaved over $200 a month from that bill. He announced that I had made him happy! Well being Blue - you know how that made me feel. So then he discovered that I had arranged to meet with Frank this afternoon to learn what some of the Weather statements actually mean. Again, I'm told he is happy.
When the third "I'm happy" rolled around, I asked for a pay raise. Turns out he was "happy" that I was bold enough to ask. But then laughed. Darn.
But, I'm BLUE and he told me 4 different times that I made him happy, so that makes me extremely happy.
Long days and pleasant nights.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Another Week
Just wanted to let everyone know that the plan for how I look during the Summer Concert series is well ahead of schedule. The Calf Fry ticket is already purchased. Boland will be in Tulsa on the 29th. Life is good.
The tanning has begun.
The beer and crackers diet is really beginning to pay off. Jeff seems to think that isn't healthy, but if it works...
The dachshunds and I are beginning to really get the hang of dancing with Richard Simmons.
So, when Frank comes thru with his promise of introducing me to Mike Piazza, I'll be ready. The plan is that Mikey will immediately fall in love with me. Marry me. Give me his name and money. I stay in Tulsa and still work with Frank. Hayden would never speak to me again if I left this job.
OK, back to reality...
Long days and pleasant nights.
Saturday, March 08, 2008
Last Day Before Daylight Savings
This morning I woke to the normal "I'm going to starve to death if you don't feed me NOW" attack by Millie. Put on the oatmeal water to boil, fed the pups, put on a pot of coffee.
Life was starting out to be the average Saturday. Until the Jehovah's Witnesses tried to save me. That got me to moving. You see I told them that I was in the process of getting ready for work. So now I feel the obligation to at least do something, just in case they really are the new chosen people. Or they have surveillance of my house going and plan to come back and ask why I didn't tell the exact truth. According to CNN this morning water-boarding is still legal and W. is going to make sure it stays legal. You never know what lengths the JW's will go to save an Episcopalian from herself.
So for all of you that really want to know. Yes, Steve that is you. I have now showered, drank a couple cups of coffee and my day has begun. It will be too exciting - post office visit, tanning, brush removal and if I have time, I might even wash some laundry!
How many of you are jealous of my life?
long days and pleasant nights...
Thursday, March 06, 2008
Millie's New Toy

Millie has a need to sleep with a toy. Usually it is one of the soft cuddly toys. Last night I guess she needed a bottle. That's my girl!
I wanna go back to bed!!!!
long days and pleasant nights...
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Anyway, the first fun time going to the Tulsa Election Board was the night of the river vote. I met Jason that night. He is ok looking, smart and our politics match. He asked for my number, then never called. Bastard. So the next time I went to the ol' election board - Nicole went with me. That was Feb. 5. We had a blast, Nicole, Jason and me. He again asked for my number - said he had a scoop on a really good story. This time I only wrote down my work number. Not going to be fooled again. He probably has a couple girlfriends somewhere. Anyway, 2 days later he called my cell phone. Bastard had my number all this time and didn't call. I wanted to be upset, but really couldn't - after all I have a landlord for odd jobs around the house and a really nice rabbit for anything else. Turns out his scoop was a lead story two nights in a row. Thanks Jason. And guess what, while we talked several times a day for about 3 days, he hasn't called since. That's ok too - he probably can't cuddle anywhere near the quality of Roger Clemens.
I half expected to see him last night. But instead I was forced to talk to Barbie and some chick that has only lived in Tulsa a month. Both are from competing stations so conversation was kept to a minimum.
That's all for now, I'm off to the staff lunch of tacos.
Long days and pleasant nights.
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Clemens vs Brooks
Sorry Rog, but I can no longer stand back and let you throw people under the bus. If you want to throw your wife under the bus that's one thing, she has the option of making your ass sleep on the couch. But don't mess with anyone from Oklahoma.
We don't smoke marijuana at the courthouse and we certainly don't attend steroid parties with baseball players in New York City!
Here's the article I'm talking about:
Clemens Claims It Was Garth Brooks At The Canseco Party
By Buster Gunning
Roger Clemens has been under intense pressure to come clean in regards to the steroid allegations mentioned in the now infamous Mitchell Report. The latest accusation has Mr. Clemens mingling at a Jose Canseco celebration back in 2008 and allegedly inquiring to the brother of Ozzie Canseco on how to obtain “performance enhancing drugs.
In his latest statement, Clemens denies being at the party and claims the video footage portraying him at the shindig was actually country music legend Garth Brooks.
Taken from Roger Clemens latest press release: “I never asked Jose Canseco how to acquire performance enhancing drugs because I was never at his party. I reviewed the videotaped evidence against me and I can prove that I was never at that party to begin with.
“For starters, I don’t wear my cowboy hat in public. Second, and you can ask anybody who is close to me, I have never played an impromptu version of ‘Dixie Chicken’ not even after ingesting multiple ecstasy tablets have I dared attempt such a feat in public.”
Mr. Clemens' chief lawyer Rusty Hardin explained that it is the opinion of Clemens and his judicial council that the man the authorities have identified as the condemned pitcher is actually country music hero Garth Brooks.
According to Hardin: "It is widely know within country music circles that singer Garth Brooks has been taking steroids since the early-nineties. In fact, if you listen to the lyrics ‘The Thunder Rolls’ he uses thunder rolling as a metaphor for shooting up. This following passage taken from the album ‘No Fences’ explains Mr. Brooks reaction to getting caught shooting up in the bathroom. As you can plainly see, even after his secret was revealed, Mr. Brooks was not deterred in any way and continued his injection.”
She rushes out to hold him
Thankful he's alive
But on the wind and rain
A strange new perfume blows
And the lightnin' flashes in her eyes
And he knows that she knows
And the thunder rolls
And the thunder rolls
(Buster Gunning is well aware that waiting is not spelled “waitin” and lightening is not spelled “lightnin’ and apologizes for any confusion this may have created).
Garth Brooks was unavailable for comment, however sources close to the country music icon have reported him livid with the accusations and some rumors have him challenging Mr. Clemens to a good old fashioned duel to the death. No weapons.
Life Back to Normal...Sorta
We had our last supper so to speak. The palavar was much fun. I'll miss those Dellinger boys. They were loads of fun to hang out with. Even though this visit we weren't running around the countryside barefoot and fancy free. I'm hoping we really bonded and will keep in touch - hint to the D-Boys....
Steve is still on vacation. He and his momma are in Austin visiting relatives. Jeff is back in Tucson. Sadly watching baseball games without me. =( I convinced him to stream the games live to me over the computer. Only a couple glitches in the plan - he doesn't have a camera, laptop or service that could handle it. He's resourceful surely he'll figure out how to do it by game time tomorrow.
Anywho, thanks for the memories guys. Next time we have the family circle and are asked to share a "favorite" memory, I'll have a new pool to grab from. Steve, you might want to begin paying me to forget things. lol
long days and pleasant nights to ye...
Sunday, March 02, 2008
Dellinger Weekend Wrap!