Nothing like an uncle having surgery to get the family together!
This week my dad's only brother, Louis, had an operation to remove a pesky little cancer thing from his esophogagus. Patty and Daddy spent a couple days in Topeka. This visit she thought to snap pics and send them to me.
Disclaimer: I look NOTHING like the alleged cousins in these photos. I am much younger than Louie and Terry, especially - and in my recollection, younger than Michael also. I will admit to the fact that the memories I have of Jimmy are a skinny-butt little kid running around in only a diaper.

This is my dad and his Uncle Billy. Uncle Billy is a lot of fun. I'm pretty sure he is my grandma's brother. That would make him a Lindeman. Until I saw this picture I had no idea how much my dad looks like his mother's side of the family. Anywho. Uncle Billy makes jewelry and every time I've been to his house he let's me pick out something. He is also one of the few that Nicole remembers, mayhap because of the jewelry...

This is the scariest of all pictures. On the corners are the "Smith Boys" they are the only ones to carry on the family name, so to speak. On the left is Louie. He is at least 10 years older than me. On the far right is his younger brother who is approximately 15 years older than me. Their favorite past time at family things was to pick on me. One of their favorite memories is the time we were all at Aunt Geniva's house. It had been raining something terrible, and in Kansas that means 10 times the mud. The Smith Boys along with a couple of Frisbie brothers and a second cousin or two decided to vote me OUT of the family. Then my initiation upon being voted out was to be drug up the stairs from the basement and thrown into the 20 feet of mud. When they were recounting this story to Nicole, she asked to be voted out of the family, of course they voted her in as a lifetime member with no way to revoke her membership.
The Clark brothers are my late-Aunt Nova's babies. I'm surprised they survived the hell the rest of the clan (with the exception of me) gave them. If you knew their older brothers aka The Frisbie Boys you would understand.
Anyway, Uncle Louis is recovering very well. Stubborness is a good trait to have in these situations. Patty had fun reconnecting with her cousins. Daddy and Uncle Billy had a contest on who could tell the tallest tale - I haven't heard if a winner was declared. And Yes, Nicole we will take Ryan to meet The Family, soon.
Long days and pleasant nights...
No pictures of Irene anywhere in your blogs???
Vicky (in Louisiana)
Thanks to some poor help I get to do this again.
Apparently time, space, as well as basic math operate differently south of the stateline. Either that or the oxygen levels are poor at such a loow altitude. Or we could consider chemical poisoning from the years of industrial chemicals i.e. hair dye for such poor recollection of ages.
P.S. Maybe it's plain ole senility.
Yes, I was "a skinny-butt little kid running around in only a diaper" until real life caught up with me. What you see today in me is the culmination of what 20 years of sitting in front of a computer can bring. Maybe if I had run around with the energy and intensity I did back in the day I could still resemble that kid...not really, but I can dream.
It has been very entertaining reading through your blog and I look forward to many more entertaining reads.
Jim a.k.a. Skinny butt...
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