First an update on my wonderful uncle, it seems that he is really feeling your prayers - please keep them up. I pulled out all stops and called the saint of the Dellinger clan. Thanks for your prayers Tio.
Second... (I'm starting to sound like Patty) When I opened my email there was an
email from Skinny-Butt himself. He sent me this wonderful picture of my Uncle John (one of the coolest of my uncles), Aunt Nova, again lots of fun - and the couple of the year - Aunt Ellen and Uncle Louis. We don't have a date or place for this photo. So I'll just do what I do best and create a scene for you. =) Remember, this is TammieLand and what I say is what you believe...

Seriously though, when we were kids there were so many of us running around all the time. Here's another memory. Fourth of July, Shreveport, Lousiana. I'm pretty sure that it was just before the Frisbie/Clark branch moved to Germany. There was a huge BBQ with Uncle John and my dad running around with all kinds of BBQ objects while managing to light fire crackers at the same time. Jeanna and Patty trying to boss all the kids around. Mike and Irene off doing some sort of mischeif. Droopy-drawers (sorry Jim but this one is gonna stick) just trying to out cute everyone. John, well he was always just being John. The only two kids that were perfect angels - Always where they were supposed to be - doing what they were told; seen but not heard - were Vernon and me. (on the Dellinger side the two perfect angels were Gary Don and me)
Anyway, that's the weekend I learned that cigarettes are great for lighting fire crackers. Hanging from the clothes line isn't something that is recommended. Riding a bike away from the house and thru the neighborhood without parental permission is risky. (of course I had nothing to do with that).
Ok, I have to actually do something productive now. Keep those prayers going!
Long days and pleasant nights...
Wow what a wonderful memory!! I love watching that home video! I do have to clarify something though, first of all it was Patty and Jeanna that were the perfect angels..Mike and me weren't far behind them, as far as you and Vernon, well if my memory serves me right, you two were the Hell Raisers!!
On a more serious note...Louie, Terry, Aunt Ellen and everybody else up there, my thoughts and prayers are with you.
Tam, thanks for letting your blogspot be the neutral sounding ground for all!!
Tam, I think you had it right the first time. You and I were/are the ONLY perfect ones!! LOL
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