I was thinking that mayhap I should place some pics of Uncle Louis here for all those 2 people that are praying for him that haven't met him and read my blog.
So, I have spent the last 10 minutes (that's a very long period of concentration for me) and I can't find any on my hard drive. The closest I came was this picture of adorable baby Tammie on the shoulders of either Aunt Wilma or Aunt Laura. No offense to these wonderful women, but the only Aunts that I can readily name when shown a picture are (in no particular order) Aunts Becky, Ellen, Nova, Ruby and Joy. Patty hasn't scanned the Smith stuff yet and given it to me.
So, I'll just have to give you another story and you can allow your imagination to kick in.
You know that uncle in every family that makes you laugh no matter how you feel? Well that's Uncle Louis. (He is also the only uncle that actually wasn't named Uncle Billy or any derivitive of William) Anyway, he is the prankster. My dad has told many stories of their childhood, Uncle Louis was always at the center of story, whether it be moving an army tank across town, "tattooing" Aunt Wilma while sitting in the car waiting for their parents or building their own race car.
Fortunately, or unfortunately if you're me, he also has a knack at knowing who picking on bothers the most and boy does he dig in. Anytime I'm in Kansas and a prank is pulled on me - whether Uncle Louis is in the state at that time or not, I know it was him. He has passed this trait on to Louie.
It's all in good fun, I suppose. I just wish they would understand that I am special. Louie, I am your favorite cousin. Just remember that...
Anyway, keep those happy thoughts for my wonderful uncle going to your greater power.
Long days and pleasant nights...