Just a short update.
Since the lay-off, I haven't had much time or energy to devote to TammieLand. Please forgive this, but I'm not going to make promises to be more diligent... I'm blue and yet hate to make promises I can't keep.

Oprah had her 3 week checkup yesterday. She was no longer that shy little kitten that sat on my lap. She was all over the exam room. The nurse discovered that she liked dripping water. So for about 15 minutes she played in the sink, only checking to make sure I was still around once. She was a very wet kitten by the time the doctor came in. She has gained a little over a pound, that's because she eats like Strait. (for those of you that don't know, Strait is "my" horse) She has her final "kitten" appointment on the 22nd. At that time she will get the last of her shots, declawed and spayed.

Millie and Oprah finally have learned how kittens and puppies play. They are fun to watch. What a sad sad life I have. lol
Work is good. Carlton has finally discovered that he truly can't live without me. My plan is working very well. hee hee hee
Nothing much else going on.
Long days and pleasant nights...
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