Thursday, December 04, 2008

Geico Sucks

Here I am on my high-horse again. If you are in my inner-circle, you know that I no longer have an automobile in my name. So, on Nov. 12, 2008 I called Geico to cancel my car insurance.

The lady was pleasant, changed my mailing address and said that they were experiencing a computer problem, but the cancellation would happen within 5 minutes.

Now, shame on me for not following up the next day. Tuesday of this week I spent 45 minutes on the phone with Geico. They deducted $101 from my checking account Monday. When I finally made it to a supervisor (supposedly) I was assured that the account had been canceled and my money would be returned - in 5 to 8 business days! That wasn't going to help me, so I debated the issue with Tony from Customer Service.

He finally placed me on hold and said that they could overnight a check but I would have to pay them $7. After I stopped laughing, I agreed. He said it would go out FedEx overnight and implied it would go straight to my bank.

So, when I listened to my messages last night at 9pm, imagine my surprise when I had a message from UPS asking for address verification.

I called them back and was told that Geico sent the check to 75 W Tulsa, OK 74501.

Now I have to drive to Bixby to get the check. This isn't over. I'm now going to try to get them to give me the $7 back plus pro-rate the half of the month that I didn't own the car.

In short - DO NOT USE GEICO FOR ANY INSURANCE PURPOSES. It is my experience that they are greatly inefficient in handling easy stuff. I can't imagine the nightmare had I had to file a claim.

Long days and pleasant nights...

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