Ok, I did get to make the trek to OU Children's center to see J'son. He is doing better than I expected. Actually, I didn't know what to expect.
This isn't an up-to-date pic, this one was taken at the McKee family reunion in early May. J'son still has all his hair. I'm told that will change. He sleeps a lot right now. He has had more than one blood transfusion. He is receiving chemo and that will go on for years to come. Right now the spirits are pretty good. Nichole is still planning to begin Nursing school in August. Family and friends are rallying to help with babysitting and cash. Prayers of course are always welcome. One never knows what Ka has in store for them.

Nicole met us at the hospital. She and I went to a nice place called Coaches for lunch. It was more awesome than appears from the outside. When we were trying to find a place to eat I wasn't paying much attention to the ballpark. Then we were seated in Coaches and I could see almost the whole field from my table. I'm definately going back to watch a game from their patio. Then on our walk back to the car I noticed 5 busts of famous Oklahoma major league ball players. Nicole was a bit embarrassed when I took a second trip by them to confirm my first assessment and then outrage that Johnny Bench was not among them. Well you can't imagine my glee when I stumbled on a bigger-than-life statue of him at the damn entrance. How the smuck had I crossed the street and not seen this? Nicole ran for cover as I became a tourist in Oklahoma. She grew up in my house and still doesn't understand that the Big Red Machines #5 behind the plate is an actual living demi-god. No one has ever owned home plate like Johnny and no one ever will.
Let's pray to Gan that the coming week will be a lot calmer than the last. On that note... long days and pleasant nights to ya - and please stay clear of the thinny
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