Wow what a weekend it has been. Nothing all that remarkable, yet is was productive. I bought a steam cleaner and cleaned the bedroom carpet. There are still a few spots but it doesn't smell.
We had a whopper of a storm that lasted all of 30 minutes. It produced hail and horrible wind. This is a tree that used to stand in front of my building.
We had a whopper of a storm that lasted all of 30 minutes. It produced hail and horrible wind. This is a tree that used to stand in front of my building.
Sunday morning I woke to more rain. I finished the cleaning of the apartment and then tackled my Algebra problems. So far on homework assignments I have 100, 80, 90.9. Not bad so far. My first test will be one week from tomorrow. Hopefully I can get at least an 80.
The funniest thing that happened this weekend was the trip to the Veterinarian. Millie loves Doc. He has even tried to dognap her before. So it was very surprising when we placed her on the table to have some blood drawn for a heartworm test and she totally freaked. I've had dachshunds my whole adult life and this is the first time I haven't been able to hold a dog on the exam table. Mindy, the vet assistant, picked up Millie's paw and placed an alcohol soaked cotton swab on her leg. You would've thought Mindy had just chopped it off. She howled and jumped and tried to climb over me to get free. We tried consoling and talking to her, nothing worked, everytime Mindy even thought of touching her again, Millie was totally freaked. Toby didn't help, he was tied to the bench and cried right along with her. When her level rose so did his.
So we put her back on the floor and did Toby's poop exam and waited for Doc.
When Doc walked in, Millie barked at him. He just looked at her.
Now Doc is a big man that I'm afraid to argue with. Millie, however, told him that she was not going to be touched with that alcohol soaked cotton again. When that didn't work, she tried the "I'm the sweet innocent puppy" face. She lost the battle. Mindy had to practically lay on Millie to get her still enough. Oddly enough the needles didn't bother her.
The whole time Millie was howling, Toby was on my lap trying to convince me that she was a goner and we should just go ahead and run for the door before they had a chance to get to us.
After the most traumatic experience on earth, we went home and they each received a peanunt butter treat.
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