Friday, June 29, 2007

Chat with Boland...

What a wonderful day this has been. I was a bit lazy this morning. Weigh-in had to happen on the way to work. I am another 5 pounds lighter than in January!
I drove into the parking lot around 9am. There was a tour bus in the parking lot, no big deal this is a norm for a Friday morning. So I was curious and was looking at the trailer as I drove into the back parking lot. When the Hell Pony became visible I almost crashed into the building while doing the double-take.
I ran into the building - slowed down only for a moment by the fact that in my hast I left my key-card in my car. Then I met Jason Boland. What a wonderful person he is. We actually chatted for awhile in the breakroom. They actually performed two songs on-air. Alien Boland was not present. That was a good sign.
Anywho, I did invite them to McNellies for drinks at the party tonight before we go see them sing at the Cain's.
Long Days and Pleasant Nights to ya...

Sunday, June 24, 2007

What a Week!

Ok, I did get to make the trek to OU Children's center to see J'son. He is doing better than I expected. Actually, I didn't know what to expect.

This isn't an up-to-date pic, this one was taken at the McKee family reunion in early May. J'son still has all his hair. I'm told that will change. He sleeps a lot right now. He has had more than one blood transfusion. He is receiving chemo and that will go on for years to come. Right now the spirits are pretty good. Nichole is still planning to begin Nursing school in August. Family and friends are rallying to help with babysitting and cash. Prayers of course are always welcome. One never knows what Ka has in store for them.

Nicole met us at the hospital. She and I went to a nice place called Coaches for lunch. It was more awesome than appears from the outside. When we were trying to find a place to eat I wasn't paying much attention to the ballpark. Then we were seated in Coaches and I could see almost the whole field from my table. I'm definately going back to watch a game from their patio. Then on our walk back to the car I noticed 5 busts of famous Oklahoma major league ball players. Nicole was a bit embarrassed when I took a second trip by them to confirm my first assessment and then outrage that Johnny Bench was not among them. Well you can't imagine my glee when I stumbled on a bigger-than-life statue of him at the damn entrance. How the smuck had I crossed the street and not seen this? Nicole ran for cover as I became a tourist in Oklahoma. She grew up in my house and still doesn't understand that the Big Red Machines #5 behind the plate is an actual living demi-god. No one has ever owned home plate like Johnny and no one ever will.
Let's pray to Gan that the coming week will be a lot calmer than the last. On that note... long days and pleasant nights to ya - and please stay clear of the thinny

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

God Loves the Children

What do you do when you find out that a child has a life threatening disease and you are helpless?
J'son, a bright, happy 2 year old has been all excited about his 3rd birthday party. The party is scheduled at a park in Enid. He called me to get my address so that they could mail Aunt Tammie an invitation.
He has the most vivid imagination I have ever seen. We were hunting dinosaurs at church one Sunday. He almost had me convinced that the dinosaurs had torn down a building at the church.
About 3 weeks ago, he began running a very high fever. It hasn't gone away. Nichole has taken him to numerous doctor's and even the ER. Finally yesterday a doctor came up with a diagnosis. She sent him immediately to Children's Hospital. Her diagnosis was leukemia.
All the tests since then have confirmed the diagnosis. He is now in for a very long and brutal treatment.
We are still having a birthday party Saturday. He will still be 3 and I'm sure will be his spunky self.
Please keep him and Nichole in your palavar's with Gan or the Man Jesus.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Beg Ya Pardon...

Tammieland fans, I beg ye pardon for my long absence. I have been a bit pre-occupied if ya kennit. Almost as if I've been todash.

First the weather has been something that even fish are getting tired of. Second, Algebra has been so demanding on my time, and last Millie thinks if I'm home, she has to be on my lap or chasing a toy that I have thrown, or wrestling or, you get the picture.

Then last Friday, I found out that my wonderful boss is leaving Oklahoma. I'm still trying to convince him to take me with. He is moving to St. Louis. This can be a good thing. I will have a free couch to sleep on when I finally save the money to see the Cards play live. Anywho, they have called him about 3 times and he finally said yes. This is the job of a lifetime for him and I'm very happy for him and the family. Yesterday was a weird day in the newsroom. We were all happy celebrating Carole's 25 years as an anchor at our humble station, yet no one was happy about losing our leader. We have him until July 5.

Nicole came to stay with me Thursday night. We had fun just chatting and catching up. (like we never talk on the Her big birthday present to Ryan was leaving town on his 21st birthday. That way she wouldn't get in the way of his celebrations. I added to his bliss with a nice little gift. He is a wonderful young man and Nicole is blessed to have him in her life.

Algebra. I actually turned down two wonderful offers so that I could study. I didn't get to help celebrate my new wonderful friend Missy's 33rd. So sorry, but we will get together again. I still haven't been to Aunt Kathy's paradise vacation resort. (hint) Then Saturday Credence Revisited were performing at Frontier City and I had a free ticket offered. But Patty kept me supplied with the music, calling when she recognized songs, unfortunately she only recognized one. I blame Jimmy for her lack of good education.

I did make it to lunch with Daddy on Sunday. We ate way too much at the Golden Corral. That damn red velvet cake actually called my name when I walked by.

My steadfastness to studies paid off. While I have lost the B average, I am still passing with a 76 average after the first chapter. Now I have learned that I need to keep working the homework sections until I get a 100% on each section. That really makes a difference.

One last thing, please keep my brother Steve in your prayers. His liver biopsy was yesterday. Everything went well, we will know in a couple of days what course will be taken for the treatment of his hep C.

Now, I need to make use of this time to work on Algebra.

Long Days and Pleasant Nights to ya...

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Weekend Review

Wow what a weekend it has been. Nothing all that remarkable, yet is was productive. I bought a steam cleaner and cleaned the bedroom carpet. There are still a few spots but it doesn't smell.
We had a whopper of a storm that lasted all of 30 minutes. It produced hail and horrible wind. This is a tree that used to stand in front of my building.

Sunday morning I woke to more rain. I finished the cleaning of the apartment and then tackled my Algebra problems. So far on homework assignments I have 100, 80, 90.9. Not bad so far. My first test will be one week from tomorrow. Hopefully I can get at least an 80.

The funniest thing that happened this weekend was the trip to the Veterinarian. Millie loves Doc. He has even tried to dognap her before. So it was very surprising when we placed her on the table to have some blood drawn for a heartworm test and she totally freaked. I've had dachshunds my whole adult life and this is the first time I haven't been able to hold a dog on the exam table. Mindy, the vet assistant, picked up Millie's paw and placed an alcohol soaked cotton swab on her leg. You would've thought Mindy had just chopped it off. She howled and jumped and tried to climb over me to get free. We tried consoling and talking to her, nothing worked, everytime Mindy even thought of touching her again, Millie was totally freaked. Toby didn't help, he was tied to the bench and cried right along with her. When her level rose so did his.

So we put her back on the floor and did Toby's poop exam and waited for Doc.

When Doc walked in, Millie barked at him. He just looked at her.

Now Doc is a big man that I'm afraid to argue with. Millie, however, told him that she was not going to be touched with that alcohol soaked cotton again. When that didn't work, she tried the "I'm the sweet innocent puppy" face. She lost the battle. Mindy had to practically lay on Millie to get her still enough. Oddly enough the needles didn't bother her.

The whole time Millie was howling, Toby was on my lap trying to convince me that she was a goner and we should just go ahead and run for the door before they had a chance to get to us.

After the most traumatic experience on earth, we went home and they each received a peanunt butter treat.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

'nother day...

Algebra, algebra, algebra… For the next 7 weeks that’s what my main focus will be. Once completing College Algebra, I will be able to move on with my degree program. This is a do-or-die class. I’ve decided that if I do not pass, this is the last of my collegiate experience.
Sean was wonderfully gracious in allowing me flex hours so that I could attend class. I tried online Algebra. It is for the more math-minded person.
I’m finding that this teacher goes slow enough that I can keep up. He also gives us real-world applications for the problems we are trying to solve. Now I know why functions are important and that x can never be the same number.
More good news: Today I am wearing a size that is exactly two sizes smaller than what I was wearing at the beginning of the year. The pants aren’t tight at all!
All is good in Mid-World.
Long days and pleasant nights to ye, if ye kennit.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Algebra made easy...

I honestly don't know why I lost sleep last night over the beginning of College Algebra. Today was the first day of class and well, I've already made a friend. And we already know who we won't like for the 8 weeks we will be sitting together.
Today the teacher spent the entire 45 minutes explaining the syllabus and how to do our homework online. He also gave us a copy of what the problems will look like on the first test. Along with the test and all the homework questions for the first section he had worked them out for us. If we are still stupid and can't do the work, online there are video tutorials.
So, the chick that we don't like had about a hundred questions about this.
Mayhap this time I will pass.
Long days and pleasant nights to ye.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Back to Normal

Really nothing of substance to report.
The week back to work was surprising, and long. I've had new duties added to my roster. This is ok since it means OT.
Jo, Chanda and Jan saw the new Kevin Costner thriller Friday night. We met up afterward at Texas Roadhouse then moved the party to Wild Horse. It's a fun little drinking hole, if ya kenit.
Saturday night was the station picnic at Driller's stadium. It was a perfect night for a ballgame. The Driller's were number one in the Texas League going into game one of the night. Sorry guys but seems like every time I actually go see a game they lose.
Today I made a WalMart trip that should've taken 10 minutes and the staff must've been Taheen, because they could get nothing right, and if you looked closely their faces weren't on quite right. Then it was off to the station to clear out some paperwork. Now I'm taking a break from cleaning. While Toby and Millie promise to clean up for me, they forget.
Tomorrow is Algebra, day 1. I'm a bit nervous.
That's it for now. Long Days and Pleasant Nights to ya.