I had never been to Denver or the area around it. I was given all kinds of advice on how to avoid the altitude illness and still keep up my workout routine for the News Channel 8 Fitness Challenge. Drinking twice the normal amount of water was a good trick. Ibuprofen didn't hurt either.
The first night I met Elizabeth and Bill. Elizabeth and I have become friends thru the past couple years in our joint WeatherCall adventures. They have a beautiful home with a McCaw (sp) parrot named Duchess that insists you say Hi Baby before talking to anyone else in the home. Also living there is a lizard, turtle, two rats, 2 yr old poodle, baby healer and a cat. Forg
Sunday we packed up all the cars with more food than I have ever seen outside a grocery store and headed up the mountain. The cars were so full of supplies I was afraid that some of us would be walking. The question was asked "how did Louis and Clark travel cross country with only mules?" The vehicle I was in had a Hell Pony sticker on the back. So all was good.
The atmosphere and surroundings were breathtaking.
Monday and Tuesday were jam packed with business and information overload. The only real thing that n

The week was good. Met some wonderful people, ate like a Queen, made some new friends... Can't ask for anymore.
Long days and pleasant nights to ye...
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