Well that is exactly the kind of day we had yesterday. I knew there was something different about the day when I actually sat thru a complete interview of former VP Dick Cheney. The extraordinary thing is that listening to him did not send me to the toilet vomiting nor did it send me into a fit of rage.
The reason for the calmness is simply this... for the first time ever I was actually looking forward to St. Valentine's Day. Not because it is a manufactured holiday to sell flowers and cards, but because we had tickets to see the music icon Kris Kristofferson. To make the day complete, we went to see Crazy Heart first then had a steak and a beer or three.
Crazy Heart was really good. I'm not a movie goer normally. In fact the only movies I have seen in the last 12 years have been

In case you are thinking of seeing the movie, I won't spoil it here. However, it is the first movie I have EVER closed my eyes during the love scenes. Just sayin' Bridges played the role a little too well... You could see and hear Kristofferson and Waylon in the character of Bad Blake. The most amazing thing to me was that it felt like Boland wrote the sound track. The songs were very much like something the Ghost of Waylon aka the Bourbon Legend would have written. The venue's Bad played are venue's I have found myself in, while not in those exact towns, still the same type venue. He played in a bowling alley that was very reminiscent of the dive I first remember seeing Mike McClure play in Tulsa. There was the band and twenty audience members. If you are a true fan of real Country music (not Nashville) you will enjoy this movie.

Then we raced to our vehicles and across the street to the Texas Roadhouse. The place was packed, but I managed to get a front row parking spot. As I opened the door and stood behind a gazillion people wishing to partake in Texas, steak and beer - I heard a page for a 2-seat table available for the first one to the counter - guess who that was!!!! Being short has its benefits sometimes. So I was seated and couldn't find Jo. When I called her she was still looking for a parking spot! The magic just couldn't go away. Dinner was wonderful. Good food, cold beer, best friend....

Then we made it to the concert. If you have never experienced Kris live - I highly suggest it. He has no band. He walks out on a dark stage, alone. He wears black. So getting a picture of him is impossible. We just sat and listened and laughed and were amazed at the incredible man on stage. Most of his songs were recorded by someone else. He isn't really a singer or an entertainer - he is just the legend behind the singer(s). Most of the songs I heard the original recording artist singing. Several you just had to sing along with like Bobby McGee.
No words can describe how incredible yesterday was as a package or how wonderful it was to be entertained by Kris Kristofferson again.
My only wish is that everyone have a day as special as yesterday was to me...
Long days and pleasant nights.
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