Sunday we were all at church enjoying the company of family and life-long friends. Daddy was the life of the party with all his jokes and stories of the past.
About 6:30 am Monday, Daddy suffered a stroke. It was a clot in a vein that affected his speech and his left side. He was flown to Tulsa St. John Stroke Unit from McAlester.
The doctors ran test after test. He was given so many different medicines and things changed so fast that even Patty wasn't able to document it all like normal. In retrospect, the doctors were honest with us without giving us false hope or gloom.

From about 11am Monday until this morning, things are a blurr. Tuesday was probably the worst day for Daddy. All the symptoms seemed to hit rock bottom. He had no use of his left arm. He couldn't stand or sit by himself. And worst of all his speech was very difficult to understand.
The doctors, nurses and aides were all wonderful and very patient. They worked with him and us to show us ways to help him begin the road to recovery. Slowly he began moving his left arm and both legs. He talked constantly when he was awake. He fed himself. the small things that you don't think about, really do matter.
By the time I left the hospital last night he was gripping a cup and handing it to me. He could take his glasses on and off by himself. He also kicked me because I had said he was grouchy. During the night he woke up and decided to learn how to work the tv remote control. Patty says she lost count of the number of times he accidentally pushed his nurse call button. =)
This morning before work I called to check on him. He kept correcting Patty's words to me. I think this episode has made his hearing better. lol
When the doctor came in this morning he was confused. Daddy raised his left arm all the way over his head. He lifted his left leg up in the air and held it for a count of 5 and his speech is easy to understand. The doctor said according to his chart, all of this is impossible.

We have been told that he will be transferred to a physical rehabilitation center. We are hoping that will happen today.
Thank you for your continued prayers.
Long days and pleasant nights...
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