Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Late Sept Update...

Wow - it has been a really long time since I've been here.

Honestly I didn't know what to say during Mom's hospital stay. We now know what Mom would be like as an addict. It wouldn't be pretty. She is well on her way to being beyond this whole ordeal.

It all began with what she thought was a kidney infection back in January of this year. She has lived thru more testing than you can imagine, 4 chemo treatments and ultimately having her bladder removed. We are all learning how to change a stoma bag and care for wounds we never imagined. The end result being that she has been proclaimed cancer free!

Sunday we celebrated Skylar II's third birthday. He received many gifts... Handy Manny, Dora, a box full of balls from his big brother and the best gift of all - fireman boots from Aunt Tammie, Toby, Millie and Oprah Mae! Holly is hoping that he will now decide to be a fireman for halloween in lieu of his original request - Dora!

The wedding is getting close. Nicole and I have wedding hair appointments Saturday. Hayden has a suit, I have to pick up the vest and tie this week.

Finally, the BIGGEST news of all - My Redbirds are in the playoffs! They did it without me during the month of September - but they did it! They were the second team to wrap up a divisional title. Every game still counts thru Sunday because we really want home field advantage!

Long days and pleasant nights to ye....

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


When did Patty and I become the parents?

You are told your whole life (at least we were) that you have kids for only one reason... so you will have someone to make miserable when they hit middle age! =)

Dad is doing remarkably well. He is doing exercises on his own, walking more than riding in the wheelchair and eating healthy. He hasn't had a cigarette since Aug 31!

Mom's surgery went well. Dr. Confer says he is pleased with her so far. He has sent some tissue off for biopsy to make sure the cancer is gone. We will have the results by Friday. She is still in ICU and with a little luck will be in a regular room tomorrow.

Tuesday was a very interesting day. I had forgotten what a wonderful community I was raised in. At any time during the surgery we had at least 10 people sitting in the waiting room. The stories from mom's cousins and life-long friends were priceless. Actually I found out a couple of people I always thought of as relatives aren't blood relatives, but I'm not ready to drop the Uncle and/or Aunt from their names quite yet. =) Also, most of the time I was looking for some waders - Daddy, Ralph Wayne and Baby Joe - yes those are real names - were trying to best each other on stories. Mom is upset that she wasn't there to defend herself on the stories Patty and I repeated to her.

One last comment for the day. There would be pictures but I promised Momma that her face wouldn't be on tammieland like Daddy is. Actually she threatened that I would need a room in ICU if she found out I was taking pics of her and putting them online. hee hee...

Keep the prayers coming, we can really feel them.

Long days and pleasant nights...

Thursday, September 10, 2009


This is incredible.
It took a stroke to get Daddy in the kitchen cooking! =)

Patty has been assigned to stay the day with him. They are learning together the things he needs to be able to do before he can go home. We thought it was just getting dressed and bathing. Evidently the folks in the therapy place think he should know how to completely take care of himself! Mom has been trying to get him to do this for 45 years now.

We are looking forward to his release Saturday. If things continue to go well.

Mom will do her pre-op tomorrow. Then check into the hospital Monday.

Long days and pleasant nights to ye...

Friday, September 04, 2009

On the Road...

This has by no doubt been one of the longest week's of my life. I would say that about Daddy too, but he doesn't remember most of Monday, Tuesday and part of Wednesday. Last Saturday hanging out with the family seems like years ago.

Moments ago, I received this picture from Patty. It has been a long and tough journey for Daddy this week. But he was able to get dressed in sweats and sit in her car. They are on their way to McAlester Regional Hospital. He will be in physical therapy rehab for at least a week.

His nurse last night assured us that they would work his hiney off. That's a good thing. =)
Long days and pleasant nights to ye...

Thursday, September 03, 2009

24 hours...

What a difference 24 hours can make!

Sunday we were all at church enjoying the company of family and life-long friends. Daddy was the life of the party with all his jokes and stories of the past.

About 6:30 am Monday, Daddy suffered a stroke. It was a clot in a vein that affected his speech and his left side. He was flown to Tulsa St. John Stroke Unit from McAlester.

The doctors ran test after test. He was given so many different medicines and things changed so fast that even Patty wasn't able to document it all like normal. In retrospect, the doctors were honest with us without giving us false hope or gloom.

From about 11am Monday until this morning, things are a blurr. Tuesday was probably the worst day for Daddy. All the symptoms seemed to hit rock bottom. He had no use of his left arm. He couldn't stand or sit by himself. And worst of all his speech was very difficult to understand.

The doctors, nurses and aides were all wonderful and very patient. They worked with him and us to show us ways to help him begin the road to recovery. Slowly he began moving his left arm and both legs. He talked constantly when he was awake. He fed himself. the small things that you don't think about, really do matter.

By the time I left the hospital last night he was gripping a cup and handing it to me. He could take his glasses on and off by himself. He also kicked me because I had said he was grouchy. During the night he woke up and decided to learn how to work the tv remote control. Patty says she lost count of the number of times he accidentally pushed his nurse call button. =)

This morning before work I called to check on him. He kept correcting Patty's words to me. I think this episode has made his hearing better. lol

When the doctor came in this morning he was confused. Daddy raised his left arm all the way over his head. He lifted his left leg up in the air and held it for a count of 5 and his speech is easy to understand. The doctor said according to his chart, all of this is impossible.

The aides came in to give him a bath and Patty went out to the hallway to wait. She heard "hey sis" in Daddy's voice. Looked up and there he was. He was standing in the hallway un-assisted, using only a cane for balance. She told him to stand right there and snapped this picture.

We have been told that he will be transferred to a physical rehabilitation center. We are hoping that will happen today.

Thank you for your continued prayers.

Long days and pleasant nights...

Tuesday, September 01, 2009


Poor Millie. She is allergic to grass. (sorry Auntie Vicky - I didn't explain...) She had licked a place on her tail raw. Thus the floatation device around her neck.

Well that is finally healed. We spent the weekend at Patty's house. Our wonderful Uncle NT and equally wonderful cousin Steve were in town. Things went well with Toby, Millie and Jethro until right before we went to the Sunday evening service.

Patty fed Jethro the rest of my half eaten sandwich. He ate it and then decided that Millie couldn't enter the house. The only damage was a tooth into her paw and a slice on her back. Well, also the nerves of Millie, me and Patty were fried.

So she had to wear a bandage on her leg for 24 hours. When we made it home that night I gave her an aspirin and bendryl. She curled up on Steve's lap and passed out.

Can we say a collective... "Poor Millie..."

More to come...