Honestly I didn't know what to say during Mom's hospital stay. We now know what Mom would be like as an addict. It wouldn't be pretty. She is well on her way to being beyond this whole ordeal.
It all began with what she thought was a kidney infection back in January of this year. She has lived thru more testing than you can imagine, 4 chemo treatments and ultimately having her bladder removed. We are all learning how to change a stoma bag and care for wounds we never imagined. The end result being that she has been proclaimed cancer free!
The wedding is getting close. Nicole and I have wedding hair appointments Saturday. Hayden has a suit, I have to pick up the vest and tie this week.
Finally, the BIGGEST news of all - My Redbirds are in the playoffs! They did it without me during the month of September - but they did it! They were the second team to wrap up a divisional title. Every game still counts thru Sunday because we really want home field advantage!
Long days and pleasant nights to ye....