I spent the weekend as JoJo Jr. At first Jo and I thought Barbara had lost her mind making me Jo's assistant, but quickly learned that it worked well for both of us. Well at least for me it worked well all the time, it worked for Jo when I actually remembered to do the ONE job she gave me. But I'm getting ahead of myself...
Last weekend Red Dirt came to Pryor. This is the music that I have grown to love more than mayhap I love Toby. I can safely say that because I'm pretty sure he has never visited TammieLand...
To prove how grateful I was to be given the assignment I had been given, I dressed just like Jo. It was uncanny how we both had on red tanks and bluejean shorts. No one could tell us apart! Even Caleb had trouble with it. After getting beyond the shock of my choice of clothing, Jo assigned me to 1) make sure all the security detail keep hydrated 2) keep her informed on who is currently on stage at ALL times. I know you think this is a pretty simple assignment and for the first hour it was.
Day One: Robert Earl was the headliner. I had never seen him in person and honestly didn't know all that many of his songs. I am now totally hooked. You see Robert Earl is a story teller. He is also one of the godfathers of Red Dirt music. I would explain the title to this blog if I could remember the complete joke. It took him somewhere around 15 minutes to tell it on stage. It began with "I'm an Aggie" and ended with "What's what?" Everything in between was hillarious and very confusing. So confusing he asked at least 3 times "you with me?" To which we all replied "YES" even though I'm sure only the 5 sober people actually were. I've always loved the music of true story tellers like Tom T Hall - now Robert Earl is on my list of favorites.
Day Two: Frank came to town. I had to abandon my duties assigned by Jo to be an official
Channel 8 person. It was fun. I got to meet Stoney LaRue. He actually took time out from spitting and drinking beer to have his picture made with me. He was also the headliner that night. I like Stoney, but given my druthers I would have had Randy Rogers headline. RR rocks and I know much more of his music. Although as it turned out, I knew quite of few of the songs Stoney sang. Turns out, he co-writes with everyone! I got to hear "Shot Full Of Holes" live twice last weekend, the better version being on Saturday night by JB&S.
I had never been to an actual meet n greet before. So surprisingly I was the first in line. When the lady took us into an empty tent I walked over toward a table as directed. After taking a couple of steps into the empty tent I turned to ask a question and literally walked into a laughing Jason Boland. I never knew he had ninja abilities. We laughed and talked and hugged and talked and he promised me new music soon. I didn't even have to ask for that one. Then I was merrily on my way. I ate cake with JB later in the dining hall. By "ate cake with..." I mean he was sitting at a table eating cake - I was sitting a table eating cake at the same time. Matt the security guy had a water hose accessible for some reason.
Mayhap I should mention that Cross Canadian Ragweed closed Saturday night. I already had no voice before they came on. Therefore I was unable to scream along to the lyrics of the 3 songs they sang that I knew.
Day four: Hot and miserable. I kept the security boys hydrated and entertained. Then went home without actually watching any entertainment.
I would tell you the funny stories about What's What or $500 and a taco - but they would be lost on those of you that weren't there. So if you want to know, just give me a ring...
The party's not over - it's just leaving town...
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