Thursday, March 05, 2009

Hello Spring

This morning when the critters finally managed to wake me. It took a combination of Millie and Oprah Mae to actually get my butt out of bed, I realized the small window had been left open. And I wasn't FREEZING!

I even wore short-sleeves to work with no jacket. How awesome!!!!

Toby seems to be walking better now as well. I poked on him so much last night he probably figured even if it does hurt, he is better off faking walking without a limp.

Had a nice long chat with my cuz in Birmingham. He told me a different way to cook roast. Evidently his mom places a can of Coke in the crock pot with the roast. I might just try that tomorrow.

Something on the work front... I took Tuesday off to hang out with Mom and Dad. Wednesday the first thing Carlton said to me - "I really missed you yesterday. It was like my right arm was cut off." - WOW - I never thought a green person would admit to needing a blue person.

Long days and pleasant nights...

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