Sunday, March 29, 2009


I guess we knew this day would come. You just never think about it. The children have to step up and take care of the parents.

Mom has some sort of bladder cancer. We were in the hospital last week for a biopsy. As scary as this sounds, the hard part is keeping her "down."

She literally has a prescription from the doctor to be a couch potato. We go to the urologists office and the oncologist's office next week to find out the final word and how the treatment will take place.

The oncologist, Dr. Lynch, thinks that we will be able to completely get rid of this nasty tumor. He told mom his initial plan is to send her thru a series of chemo and then surgery to take out what is left. This could change after the bone scan results. So please keep her in your thoughts.

Mom was released late Friday afternoon. We spent the night in Tulsa then trudged thru the early spring blizzard yesterday to get her home. She didn't really rest until she was in her own bed. They boys came over. They had a blast.

Hayden started asking to go play in the snow as soon as he walked in the door. I was very happy to see Uncle Jimmy walk in minutes later. We bundled everyone up and off the boys and Uncle Jimmy went.

I came home this morning. The puppies had to spend 24 hours locked in the house with no food. They were about to starve and were looking for a phone to call peta.

The snow is almost gone. Normal life - or as close as it will get - is returning.

Long days and pleasant nights to ye...

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Life is Good

This weekend was very productive. By 10am yesterday I had already returned my dvr; had my eyes examined and been to Reasors.

Now my monthly cable bill will be a lot less. Once November gets here, I'll probably cut cable completely off. Saving a bundle more.
My eyes have improved. I'm still blind, just not as blind. Although I was instructed to get a set of cheap reading glasses for the times that my eyes get tired from working too hard. The Dr doesn't know me very well. hee hee

Reasor's had a sale on hot dogs. So, now we are set for Nicole's graduation party - hot dogs anyway. Speaking of Nicole's graduation, I finished her present this weekend. With lots of help from Oprah Mae.

The house is clean, that includes vacuuming and the bathroom. sigh

Today, I saw the first Cards game on tv and they won!!!

Long days and pleasant nights...

Thursday, March 05, 2009

I have the Smartest Kid EVER!

March 2, 2009

Dear Graduating Senior: (Nicole)

Congratulations! As a result of your high academic achievement, you will be graduating with academic distinction.

All undergraduate students graduating with academic distinction are entitled to wear a specially-designed gold hood over their academic regalia at the May 15 Commencement and May 16 College Convocation ceremonies. You have qualified to wear such a hood.

You may purchase your gold hood when you purchase your cap and gown at The University Bookstore or during Graduation Gear-Up to be held from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday, March 2 –Thursday, March 5, in the Beaird Lounge located on the second-floor of the Oklahoma Memorial Union.

We look forward to celebrating with you this May.

We hope you will wear this hood as a sign of your tremendous academic achievement.


Joyce Allman, Ph.D.
Assistant Dean

Hello Spring

This morning when the critters finally managed to wake me. It took a combination of Millie and Oprah Mae to actually get my butt out of bed, I realized the small window had been left open. And I wasn't FREEZING!

I even wore short-sleeves to work with no jacket. How awesome!!!!

Toby seems to be walking better now as well. I poked on him so much last night he probably figured even if it does hurt, he is better off faking walking without a limp.

Had a nice long chat with my cuz in Birmingham. He told me a different way to cook roast. Evidently his mom places a can of Coke in the crock pot with the roast. I might just try that tomorrow.

Something on the work front... I took Tuesday off to hang out with Mom and Dad. Wednesday the first thing Carlton said to me - "I really missed you yesterday. It was like my right arm was cut off." - WOW - I never thought a green person would admit to needing a blue person.

Long days and pleasant nights...

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

stuff - nothing much

Mom and Dad visited this week. I was allowed to drive the really too big truck that Momma bought for Daddy. He kept telling me that I was "on the line." I really wasn't and told him that if he had bought a normal sized car, we wouldn't be having those discussions. He also agreed that I could tell everyone that I drove it thru the ditch at my house...

They stopped by Sam's Club and picked up a deep freeze for me. That's one of the best investments made by my tax refund. I already have pizzas, chicken, hamburger and girl scout cookies in it!

Daddy also moved the window air-conditioner to the West window in my bedroom. I was then able to place the screen on Oprah's window and open it for her. This has been the best thing since peanut butter in her mind. This morning she actually opened the curtain by herself to see if the window was open yet.

She also learned that like Nanna and Aunt Patty, Grannie belongs to Millie. When Oprah tried to give Grannie love, Millie quickly shoo'ed her away. That's ok, while Millie was under the blankie sleeping beside Grannie, Oprah slept on top of Grannie. Unfortunately I didn't have a camera. It really was funny. All 3 of my puppies were sleeping with her and she had no clue.

Toby on the other hand seems to have hurt one of his legs. He limps about 75% of the time, meaning there really is something wrong. I've almost decided he pulled a muscle because after sleeping he is fine until he jumps off something. Peanut laced aspirin has been helpful.

Long days and pleasant nights...

Monday, March 02, 2009

Toby and the Biscuit

Toby came to live with us about 8 1/2 years ago. You would think in that amount of time I would learn to watch my feet.

Yesterday, I was on my last day of "bad" food. I had gone to KFC and had a biscuit with jelly in my hand. I rounded the kitchen table and that's when Toby somehow managed to bring me down.

On my way to the floor I remember hearing him cry twice. All I could think was "Oh my god, I'm hurting Toby." Well after landing I realized that Oprah Mae had also been involved. She, however, got the heck out of Dodge and watched me fall from the safety of my bed. Meanwhile, my bad knee and forehead had taken the brunt of the fall.

I managed to sit up looking around for Toby. Afterall I did think that he was hurt. He crawled onto my lap, putting most of his weight on my now throbbing knee. After he decided that I was ok, he went to recover the biscuit.

I have a big bump on my forehead. It hit the edge of my solid wood step stool. My knee is bruised pretty well. None of the critters felt the need to steal the ice packs, that's good to know.

However, Oprah Mae felt the need to sleep on me all night. Normally she moves to her bed after a few minutes. I guess she was worried about her mommie...

Long days and pleasant nights.