Mom has some sort of bladder cancer. We were in the hospital last week for a biopsy. As scary as this sounds, the hard part is keeping her "down."
She literally has a prescription from the doctor to be a couch potato. We go to the urologists office and the oncologist's office next week to find out the final word and how the treatment will take place.
The oncologist, Dr. Lynch, thinks that we will be able to completely get rid of this nasty tumor. He told mom his initial plan is to send her thru a series of chemo and then surgery to take out what is left. This could change after the bone scan results. So please keep her in your thoughts.
Mom was released late Friday afternoon. We spent the night in Tulsa then trudged thru the early spring blizzard yesterday to get her home. She didn't really rest until she was in her own bed. They boys came over. They had a blast.
Hayden started asking to go play in the snow as soon as he walked in the door. I was very happy to see Uncle Jimmy walk in minutes later. We bundled everyone up and off the boys and Uncle Jimmy went.
I came home this morning. The puppies had to spend 24 hours locked in the house with no food. They were about to starve and were looking for a phone to call peta.
The snow is almost gone. Normal life - or as close as it will get - is returning.
Long days and pleasant nights to ye...