Friday, February 27, 2009

mug shot or head shot

I rarely blog about work. But, last night we had our annual pre-storm season Storm Chaser Round-up.

This is an evening where Frank dazzles those that love chasing tornadoes. I'm pretty sure it takes a LOT to dazzle them, and Frank is the man for the job! (yes, he pays me for comments like this)

Anyway, Carlton asked if I have a digital camera. Of course I do. Then he asked me to get a pic of the whole team in the Weather Center.

I mentioned to him that I had brought my camera and we were also going to take head shots of the chasers that we do not currently have. He spent the next 20 minutes giving me a lesson in how to NOT take mug shots for head shots.

So I thought I would post this Non Mug Shot - Head Shot that I took of Carlton. Another criteria is that they not smile because when the photo is up most likely the person will be talking about weather damage. For some reason CH thinks they shouldn't be smiling about that.

Long days and pleasant nights.

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