Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Red Dirt Cram

I have begun a crash course in learning more of the music I LOVE! The test is the weekend of June 18 - 21.

Last night on the way to the most wonderful birthday celebration for my most wonderful Daddy, I listened to a newsly purchased cd.

In addition to being one of the Red Dirt Godfathers, Robert Earl Keen is freakin' hysterical. I found myself laughing out loud (lol for those of you younger than 25) As much as I love Boland, REK had much the same affect on me. I was all smiles last night. Slept perfectly well, just like a baby. I had to keep reminding myself that he influenced Pat, not Pat influencing him. Mayhap that is one reason I have that warm-fuzzy feeling.

It is a bit disturbing that Pat has already begun creeping into my dreams. He was standing in the shadows of one last night. So, Pat, I PROMISE I'll be at the Calf Fry. I will be dead on my feet at work the next day, but I'll be there. You could've at least played Friday to help me out...

Long days and pleasant nights...

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