Thursday, August 07, 2008


We are each of us angels with only one wing. And we can only fly embracing each other. - Luciano de Crescenzo

We like to say "who needs men?" Well the truth is they really are needed for more than just to carry out the garbage and mayhap mowing the lawn. Can you imagine if you hadn't had your Daddy growing up?

It's true, what a man can do a woman can do better and with time left over. However, sometimes it's nice to have one around just to talk to and well be treated like a "woman." Saturday night I actually had male company. It was fun. He wanted to go to dinner and a movie, then found out I was cooking a pot of beans... Well somehow that turned into an invitation to come over for beans - taters - and cornbread. I have decided any man that likes my puppies and will watch a Johnny Depp movie with me is worth keeping around for awhile.

I'm happy. Yet can't seem to get shed of that feeling that the world has moved on and left me in one of the Wasteland villages of Mejis. (translation: I feel completely alone except for the occasional traveler that stops by for a very brief visit)

Now, I find out that Boland will be sidelined longer than anticipated. Please pray to your favorite God that his surgery and recovery are successful. It will be devistating if this voice is silenced.

Anywho, not much sense to my ramblings today, but felt I've neglected TammieLand too long. And you guys are a great sense of support...

Long days and pleasant nights.

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