I was going to blog about the Obama acceptance speech. Talk about how moved I was.
Instead, the Krusty Old Man has even stolen space on TammieLand today.
Excuse me Mr. McCain, but you have just insulted me and the sisterhood of the traveling pantsuits - to the core.
Yes, you are showing your "Maverick" spirit. However, you should have been wiser in your choice. All you have done, in my opinion, is prove Senator Obama correct in his statement that you just don't get it. If you are looking to woo Hillary Rodham Clinton supporters into your camp - you should not have chosen a 44 year old beauty queen from Alaska. The only thing that makes her different from Mayor Jimmy Trammel is that she has been Governor for a little over a year. If you wanted a strong female that no one knows - choose Kathy Taylor. Oh sorry, she probably isn't pretty enough. And I'm pretty sure she was never a PTA or "Hockey" mom. She probably doesn't bake cookies either. Oops, sorry, she would be too much much like Hillary.
We want real change, sir. Not change as perceived inside the head of an old man.
Speaking of age... and, yes it is an issue to me. What happens if you get a call at 3am that Iran is attacking Korea? You can't handle the news and stroke out. That leaves us with a Beauty Queen in the Oval Office. I would feel safer with Paris Hilton. At least she would call her daddy for advice before doing anything drastic.
Let's go over Governor Palin's experience:
Married high school sweetheart - been married 20 years today, has a 19 year old son - hmmm
PTA / hockey mom
Birthed 5 children - the last one in April 08
Totally pro life - is using the baby as a billboard for that
Wasilla City Council (4 yrs) population around 6700
Wasilla Mayor (4 yrs)
Governor of Alaska - 1.5 yrs (Alaska is the size of Washington DC)
Lifelong member of the NRA
Proud of helping destroy the Tundra to lay a natural gas pipeline
Voters on the right will like Palin’s conservative credentials: She’s opposed to both abortion rights and gay marriage, supports increased domestic drilling for oil, is a lifelong member of the National Rifle Association and has a son in the U.S. Army - Politico
Yeah, I can see where you, Mr. McCain, would think she and Hillary are very similar.
As for me, I'm firmly in Obama's camp.
Let the fun begin...
Friday, August 29, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Denver Democrat commentary...
I received this email from an authentic Denver Democrat. She had some interesting observations:
Wednesday, August 27, 2008, 3:56 AM
Hello all -Just a quick note from Denver, home of the historic DNC.
First, as a lifelong Democrat, I feel it's ok to make fun of my own party.
Second, for those of you who don't know, my office is in Invesco Field (site of BO's acceptance speech), which has been insanely busy for the past month b/c of the convention, football, etc.
A few observations as we try to survive, I mean welcome, the delegates, the media, and the crazies (and they're not all from Boulder...):
For a 'green' convention, there are a lot of stretch limos & huge SUVs hauling people around town.
Since when did protesting mean that you acted and dressed like an idiot?
Wouldn't it be nice if BOTH parties had spent the $160 million for each convention on something like our national debt, fixing healthcare or social security, or alternative energy? Sorry, dumb idea - those corporate donors need somewhere to spend $ and everyone loves a good party.
Ok - seriously, I know it's a historic event and best of all - the secret service is taking over the stadium tomorrow until after the speech, so I have 2 days off. Thanks Barack! Kris
Wednesday, August 27, 2008, 3:56 AM
Hello all -Just a quick note from Denver, home of the historic DNC.
First, as a lifelong Democrat, I feel it's ok to make fun of my own party.
Second, for those of you who don't know, my office is in Invesco Field (site of BO's acceptance speech), which has been insanely busy for the past month b/c of the convention, football, etc.
A few observations as we try to survive, I mean welcome, the delegates, the media, and the crazies (and they're not all from Boulder...):
For a 'green' convention, there are a lot of stretch limos & huge SUVs hauling people around town.
Since when did protesting mean that you acted and dressed like an idiot?
Wouldn't it be nice if BOTH parties had spent the $160 million for each convention on something like our national debt, fixing healthcare or social security, or alternative energy? Sorry, dumb idea - those corporate donors need somewhere to spend $ and everyone loves a good party.
Ok - seriously, I know it's a historic event and best of all - the secret service is taking over the stadium tomorrow until after the speech, so I have 2 days off. Thanks Barack! Kris
Monday, August 25, 2008
Comal County Blue
Like I said before, it's the little things that keep us going. I totally believe that. This last year has been very trying, to say the least.
My favorite singer found out he had a polyp on his vocal chord. He
is in fact being operated on the very day his latest CD is officially released - August 26, 2008. Today, I received that very CD - Comal County Blue in the mail. Betty Mom thought something had bit me from the squeal that came out when I saw the return address! I was probably within the first 10 people to pre-order the CD. I was equally excited that in addition to getting the cd BEFORE the common folk - I have an authentically autographed one! Yes, he really did sign it. You could still smell the ink from the sharpie and I have enough things that he has signed to verify it.

I have only been in my current location 11 months, seems like a lot longer. My Nannie hasn't been gone a year, seems like forever. I've only been a Boland loyalists a few years, seems like a lifetime. Created a bond with a long lost uncle. Lost two cousins; gained two brothers; learned to love thru the tears and hate like I never thought I could.
I've said goodbye to too many people over the last 11 months. But some of the most wonderful things have also happened.
My daughter is engaged to her soulmate. I was able to visit Tuscon, Phoenix and San Antonio and see all three cities from the eyes of the natives, those that truly love their homes. I won't trade those weekends for anything.
My favorite singer found out he had a polyp on his vocal chord. He

It is now 7:45ish and I already have it on my mp3 player and have listened to almost the whole thing. All I have to say is WOW. He is still JB and they are maturing in their music. This is a good thing. I love him from Pearl Snaps to Comal County and every truck stop in between... Hardly a day goes by that I can't find one of his songs in something that happens in my life. I quote him almost as much as SK.

It's the little things. A new CD from a favorite artist. New music to listen to and sing while standing at the tips of his boots. Thanks Jason!
Long days and pleasant nights.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Summer of the Monkey
It's begun!
Steve was supposed to come over this week and get my lawnmower running. He is positive it is as simple as cleaning the carborator. Well, the day he was supposed to be at my house he ended up in the emergency room. Something about gastro something and another word that is too long to say or spell. His potassium level dropped severely. He is on a clear liquid diet (no water please) he has to drink gatorade and broth to raise the salt in his system.
The night before that happened - I went to my Pilates class - the teacher has dissappeared. I truly enjoyed this class. It was my once a week escape.
Is this just a coincedence? HELL NO! What is going on, you may ask...
Fortunately he is at the southern end of the Hill Country and can't get enough energy up to Green Country to do much more harm than salt depravation. He sits there with his goofy grin and unassuming OSU clothing. He will not win! We already have a plan to get around this minor inconvenience.
I haven't gone mad yet so that means his powers are weak. Or are they?
Go then there are other worlds than these...
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Look Who's Going to the RNC!
The elderly Senator McCain will be very well protected at the RNC. My favorite cop cousin has graciously volunteered for the post.
OK, mayhap he won't be the Senator's personal body guard, but I lay my watch and warrant that he would be the better protector.
Congrats cuz! I'm secretly envious - what I wouldn't give to be at the DNC next week! (of course your counterparts would be protecting Obama from me)
Remember - shoot first, ask questions if anyone is left standing - it's the Republican Way!
Long days and pleasant nights.
Feels Just Like It Should - Uh Huh...
Life has been relatively boring, yet incredibly busy.
Actually ended up buying a new fridge. So now one is in the shed out back, to be returned to the house if I ever move. The other has made back into retirement, successfully.
The only problem with allowing one fridge to hang-out in the shed and the other to go back into retirement is that the fridge in the shed started chatting with the lawnmower. Now I seem to have an appliance mutiny on my hands. The lawnmower is trying to fake illness. That will be resolved as soon as my brother-in-law can make it to Tulsa. In the meantime, if my body is found in pieces or I become a crazed killer maniac weilding a machete - have the police talk to the lawnmower and the fridge. You might also have them chat with that damn monkey at Don and Nadeen's house.
In other news...
I fear that I've gotten Millie into a habit that isn't such a good one. After I finished my lunch this afternoon Millie started crying hysterically. She jumped onto my lap and began hugging me while howling. I asked her if she wanted a nap and a blankie. She immediately jumped down, grabbed a toy and was back on the couch as soon as I threw a blankie over my legs. Sound asleep in seconds.
Looks like the Redbirds are in the fight for the Wild Card. Up until this year I complained rather loudly about the Wild Card, now I like it. We are still 2.5 games behind the Brewers for the play-offs. It's possible to overcome them, getting less likely by the day - but I'm still hopeful.
Beer for My Horses: Only thing I can say is MUST SEE! I about wet my pants laughing so hard. and I'm pretty sure the beer had mostly worn off before the middle of the movie.
Only days before Comal County Blue is released. I can't wait. In case you were wondering - Yes I have already ordered it.
My job review is being written. Carlton says he can't think of very many nice things to say. So, keep your fingers crossed. I've been offering him nice things to say about me, we'll see if he takes my advice.
Long days and pleasant nights.
Actually ended up buying a new fridge. So now one is in the shed out back, to be returned to the house if I ever move. The other has made back into retirement, successfully.
The only problem with allowing one fridge to hang-out in the shed and the other to go back into retirement is that the fridge in the shed started chatting with the lawnmower. Now I seem to have an appliance mutiny on my hands. The lawnmower is trying to fake illness. That will be resolved as soon as my brother-in-law can make it to Tulsa. In the meantime, if my body is found in pieces or I become a crazed killer maniac weilding a machete - have the police talk to the lawnmower and the fridge. You might also have them chat with that damn monkey at Don and Nadeen's house.
In other news...
I fear that I've gotten Millie into a habit that isn't such a good one. After I finished my lunch this afternoon Millie started crying hysterically. She jumped onto my lap and began hugging me while howling. I asked her if she wanted a nap and a blankie. She immediately jumped down, grabbed a toy and was back on the couch as soon as I threw a blankie over my legs. Sound asleep in seconds.
Looks like the Redbirds are in the fight for the Wild Card. Up until this year I complained rather loudly about the Wild Card, now I like it. We are still 2.5 games behind the Brewers for the play-offs. It's possible to overcome them, getting less likely by the day - but I'm still hopeful.
Beer for My Horses: Only thing I can say is MUST SEE! I about wet my pants laughing so hard. and I'm pretty sure the beer had mostly worn off before the middle of the movie.
Only days before Comal County Blue is released. I can't wait. In case you were wondering - Yes I have already ordered it.
My job review is being written. Carlton says he can't think of very many nice things to say. So, keep your fingers crossed. I've been offering him nice things to say about me, we'll see if he takes my advice.
Long days and pleasant nights.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Tonight the Answer's Austin...
Again I say, this nightmare of a year has to end.
I have stopped reading the traffic reports that come in from OHP. You only have to open one with the header - fatal, next of kin notified - and recognize the name to teach you that lesson.
However, the news of death always reaches one way or another. Today, I opened the weekly internet update from the weekly "rag" in Pryor. Headline news - Nita Jacobs died Monday.
I first met Nita when I married into Pryor. She was a wonderful woman that got the bad end of a bad straw. She married Nolan (also wonderful man) not out of love, but because he needed a caregiver. His children only cared about his money. She took very good care of him, to the point of even dedicating her life (while he was alive) to his church. Over the years this marriage of convenience turned into love. He took care of her in death as she had taken care of him in life. She was one of the true Angels out there.
Goodbye Nita - say hey to Nannie, and assortment of friends and family now that you've reached the other side of the clearing. You can once again help Nolan tend the roses.
I so desperately want to go back to the Hill Country. Sitting poolside with a beer in my hand and not a care in the world. Watching the coons and deer eat their breakfast and dinner. Listening to the birds singing.
Don't get me wrong, I love my Okie roots. But I'm beginning to believe that the only "happy" place is South Bound 35.
I'm so very tired of being somewhere in the middle, and pretty sure the sun is shining somewhere in Texas - tonight the answer's Austin and the Comal County blue... (here's hoping you are well and singing again soon Jason...)
The party's not over - it's just leaving town - so don't be dissapointed - its gonna come back around...
I have stopped reading the traffic reports that come in from OHP. You only have to open one with the header - fatal, next of kin notified - and recognize the name to teach you that lesson.
However, the news of death always reaches one way or another. Today, I opened the weekly internet update from the weekly "rag" in Pryor. Headline news - Nita Jacobs died Monday.
I first met Nita when I married into Pryor. She was a wonderful woman that got the bad end of a bad straw. She married Nolan (also wonderful man) not out of love, but because he needed a caregiver. His children only cared about his money. She took very good care of him, to the point of even dedicating her life (while he was alive) to his church. Over the years this marriage of convenience turned into love. He took care of her in death as she had taken care of him in life. She was one of the true Angels out there.
Goodbye Nita - say hey to Nannie, and assortment of friends and family now that you've reached the other side of the clearing. You can once again help Nolan tend the roses.
I so desperately want to go back to the Hill Country. Sitting poolside with a beer in my hand and not a care in the world. Watching the coons and deer eat their breakfast and dinner. Listening to the birds singing.
Don't get me wrong, I love my Okie roots. But I'm beginning to believe that the only "happy" place is South Bound 35.
I'm so very tired of being somewhere in the middle, and pretty sure the sun is shining somewhere in Texas - tonight the answer's Austin and the Comal County blue... (here's hoping you are well and singing again soon Jason...)
The party's not over - it's just leaving town - so don't be dissapointed - its gonna come back around...
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
It's the Small Things...
It really is the small things that make you happy.
A trip to the Hill Country with a "best" friend and two "good" friends. A surprise email from a favorite uncle - a joke that is totally unexpected from him. The sun rising in the morning. Puppies to cuddle up with. Friends to share a laugh...
Today, the folks I work with are getting a good laugh at my "expense" you might say. About a month ago I noticed that my fridge wasn't working so well. So my younger sister and brother-in-law brought me a fridge that they had used until inheriting another one. The new-to-me fridge had been in retirement since November 8, 2007, not to mention it is over 30 years old. I tried to bring it out of retirement and it fought my decision, and it won. Today, the Lowe's truck backed into my drive and I have a brand new, fresh out of the box - refrigerator!
Until you have lived without a freezer, you don't know the joy of being able to cook and freeze! Or going to the grocery store and not avoiding the Meat section.
This has been a very rough year. I'm not speaking of the physical year, I'm talking about the year beginning Sept 29, 2007. I can't remember a time when so many people I've known intimately or "well" have gone to the clearing at the end of the path. The latest to say goodbye to are Uncle David and Emma Lou - both are missed more than words can express.
We need the small things to keep us distracted and help us to move on in a world that is moving on regardless of what we want. So I stand in front of my new refrigerator and thank Gan that I am able to enjoy this small thing.
Go then there are other worlds than these...
A trip to the Hill Country with a "best" friend and two "good" friends. A surprise email from a favorite uncle - a joke that is totally unexpected from him. The sun rising in the morning. Puppies to cuddle up with. Friends to share a laugh...
Today, the folks I work with are getting a good laugh at my "expense" you might say. About a month ago I noticed that my fridge wasn't working so well. So my younger sister and brother-in-law brought me a fridge that they had used until inheriting another one. The new-to-me fridge had been in retirement since November 8, 2007, not to mention it is over 30 years old. I tried to bring it out of retirement and it fought my decision, and it won. Today, the Lowe's truck backed into my drive and I have a brand new, fresh out of the box - refrigerator!
Until you have lived without a freezer, you don't know the joy of being able to cook and freeze! Or going to the grocery store and not avoiding the Meat section.
This has been a very rough year. I'm not speaking of the physical year, I'm talking about the year beginning Sept 29, 2007. I can't remember a time when so many people I've known intimately or "well" have gone to the clearing at the end of the path. The latest to say goodbye to are Uncle David and Emma Lou - both are missed more than words can express.
We need the small things to keep us distracted and help us to move on in a world that is moving on regardless of what we want. So I stand in front of my new refrigerator and thank Gan that I am able to enjoy this small thing.
Go then there are other worlds than these...
Thursday, August 07, 2008
We are each of us angels with only one wing. And we can only fly embracing each other. - Luciano de Crescenzo
We like to say "who needs men?" Well the truth is they really are needed for more than just to carry out the garbage and mayhap mowing the lawn. Can you imagine if you hadn't had your Daddy growing up?
It's true, what a man can do a woman can do better and with time left over. However, sometimes it's nice to have one around just to talk to and well be treated like a "woman." Saturday night I actually had male company. It was fun. He wanted to go to dinner and a movie, then found out I was cooking a pot of beans... Well somehow that turned into an invitation to come over for beans - taters - and cornbread. I have decided any man that likes my puppies and will watch a Johnny Depp movie with me is worth keeping around for awhile.
I'm happy. Yet can't seem to get shed of that feeling that the world has moved on and left me in one of the Wasteland villages of Mejis. (translation: I feel completely alone except for the occasional traveler that stops by for a very brief visit)
Now, I find out that Boland will be sidelined longer than anticipated. Please pray to your favorite God that his surgery and recovery are successful. It will be devistating if this voice is silenced.
Anywho, not much sense to my ramblings today, but felt I've neglected TammieLand too long. And you guys are a great sense of support...
Long days and pleasant nights.
We like to say "who needs men?" Well the truth is they really are needed for more than just to carry out the garbage and mayhap mowing the lawn. Can you imagine if you hadn't had your Daddy growing up?
It's true, what a man can do a woman can do better and with time left over. However, sometimes it's nice to have one around just to talk to and well be treated like a "woman." Saturday night I actually had male company. It was fun. He wanted to go to dinner and a movie, then found out I was cooking a pot of beans... Well somehow that turned into an invitation to come over for beans - taters - and cornbread. I have decided any man that likes my puppies and will watch a Johnny Depp movie with me is worth keeping around for awhile.
I'm happy. Yet can't seem to get shed of that feeling that the world has moved on and left me in one of the Wasteland villages of Mejis. (translation: I feel completely alone except for the occasional traveler that stops by for a very brief visit)
Now, I find out that Boland will be sidelined longer than anticipated. Please pray to your favorite God that his surgery and recovery are successful. It will be devistating if this voice is silenced.
Anywho, not much sense to my ramblings today, but felt I've neglected TammieLand too long. And you guys are a great sense of support...
Long days and pleasant nights.
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